Chapter 2

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Leafstep blinked blearily as she opened her emerald eyes. Yawning, she stretched and got to her feet, padding over to the highrock. The first signs of dawn were showing, and the horizon was dappled in a pastel glow. As the leader, Leafstep slept outside on an open ground, wherever she felt like. Tough, but at least she got first pick. Usually, Leafstep rested in a favored spot of hers; a nettle-free barren bit with a few splotches of grass. Unless they were a medicine cat, queen, or kit, cats of ThornClan slept out in the open.

There were no elders. Once they reached a certain number of moons, ThornClan would launch a Death Battle- a battle against any clan in which the aging cat would sacrifice themselves.

It was the honorable way.

Leafstep bunched her slender muscles and leapt up onto the boulder that oversaw their clearing. She flexed her claws before yowling,

"All cats of ThornClan, young or old, gather below the Highrock!"

Cats began to filter out of the bushes, but most simply stood up and turned to look at their leader. Leafstep waited until they were all out, then began.

"Good morning, ThornClan. As you all know, last night was suspenseful- and cold. So cold that, in fact, only your esteemed deputy, Sootflight, and I slept outside." She swept her powerful, electric eyes down below at them, and they began to mutter and shift. Leafstep smiled, all fangs and teeth. "Oh, don't look at me like that." she chuckled. "There is no punishment for that; the young among you might have died unless you slunk into the nursery. It is dishonorable and disappointing to have done that without consulting me, but it is understandable. And, of course, for the morning patrols. Sootflight?"

"Yes?" The ebony tom looked up, his yellow eyes bright. Though loyal and brave, and one of Leafstep's dear friends, Sootflight was growing old; his Death Battle was growing nearer every day. Leafstep ached with the prospect of having to go on without him, but it was inevitable. There was nothing to be done except enjoy the moments they had with their deputy.

Leafstep shook herself out of her trance and spoke to him. "Sootflight, take a border patrol out to the West Territory. Take..." She scanned the crowd. "Nightsong and Bristlefang." A tortoiseshell shecat with dark blue eyes and a dark grey-brown tom with icy blue eyes. A fairly good crew, especially with Bristlefang.

Leafstep realized what she had just thought and scolded herself internally, externally shaking off her pelt. Her eyes narrowed. What was wrong with her mind today?


"Yes, Leafstep?"

"Come on a hunting patrol with me to the North Territory. Bring Sagepaw. And... Iceclaw, you may accompany us. Otherwise, Rowanstorm, you and Birchtail take the other two apprentices to the edge of ShadowClan territory, and see if you can find any excitement there."

With that, Leafstep leapt down from the rock, swift as an eel. Dipping her head to the clan in farewell, she signaled Nettlescar, Sagepaw, and Iceclaw to follow her as she began to sprint towards the North Territory.

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