Chapter 15

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Winterkit bared her teeth at the fox, though her heart was beating louder than the fray of battle surrounding her. Brackenheart and Bristlefang had left her, and a fox had carried her away before they could find out that she was gone- now Winterkit stood, her fur bristled and her muzzle pulled back in a snarl, against an over sized hungry fox. Winterkit's mind was blank with panic, yet one thought continued to churn through her mind: I'm going to die. I'm going to die, she thought, right here and now

A calico streak blurred across her peripherals and launched itself at the fox, screeching. Winterkit blinked and stumbled backwards, recognizing the whirling fury as a cat she knew well: Darkpaw. Darkpaw, the brooding older tom who usually overlooked her, had come to save her. An overwhelming relief and gratitude surged over Winterkit, so large it gave her a boost of confidence. With her family, with ThornClan, she could defeat the foxes. They could defeat the foxes. 

Winterkit hurtled towards the fox, landing on it's tail and biting and scratching as much as she could. The fox yelped, but was unable to reach her since it was busy trying to shake Darkpaw off. With glee, Winterkit sunk her small teeth into the fox's hind leg. It let out another yowl and flung Darkpaw to the ground, fleeing blindly through the brush- the calico tom had done much damage to its face. Winterkit hurried up to Darkpaw, who was sorely picking himself up from the ground. Suddenly shy, she cast her eyes to the ground. "Hey, um, thanks," she mumbled, looking up through her lashes. "That was really nice of you."

Darkpaw purred and nudged her shoulder. "All in a day's work, eh?"

Winterkit narrowed her eyes playfully. "Oh, so you do this thing every day?"

Darkpaw huffed with amusement, but his dark grey eyes clouded over again when he looked over at the battle still raging on. "Hey, I gotta go keep fighting, but you stay safe, okay?"

Winterkit nodded, and stared at the tom as he left. Darkpaw twisted his head over his shoulder just before he launched into the battle; "Hey, can't wait for you to become an apprentice, Winterkit!"

For once, the 'kit' at the end wasn't mocking, and Winterkit felt something flurry in her stomach. She was still staring at the spot where Darkpaw disappeared long after he left, and continued to stare as she settled behind a large tuft of grass, watching the battle roar on. 

Winterkit hoped Darkpaw would come out alive.

She was so obsessed with her thoughts that Winterkit didn't realize she had dozed off until she snapped awake to the sound of a yowl. A familiar yowl.

"All cats loyal to ThornClan, gather below the highrock!"

Winterkit shot up and hurried to the Highrock, surveying the damage the battle had done. The foxes had left, and not a cat seemed to be injured as she scanned the camp ground, seeing Birchtail and Nightsong congratulating each other, Snowpool leading Brackenheart, Firekit and Shadekit from the medicine den, and-- and--

Winterkit's eyes stopped the same time her heart did, her gaze landing on the ground where a body lay.

Two bodies. 

Her movements a frantic blur, the grey she-kit let out a sharp inhale and raced towards the still figures, other ThornClan cats seeing the bodies the same time she did and exclaiming. Winterkit didn't care. All she cared was if... was if it was Spiderpelt or Darkpaw...

Winterkit stopped above them.

The bodies were Iceclaw and Nettlescar.

Only a small wash of relief went through her, as this was no celebrating matter- though Iceclaw had been arrogant, he was still a family member of ThornClan. Though Nettlescar had been old, he was still Bristlefang's father and Sagepaw's mentor; Winterkit turned her gaze and saw the two cats themselves standing stock still, shocked at the fact that Nettlescar was dead. Winterkit felt a surge of pity for both of them, Bristlefang more so. How would Winterkit feel if Spiderpelt died? She couldn't even think about it.

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