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         My name is Rose. I am twenty eight years old. My mom and dad are here. So is my boyfriend Clayton. "Rose Serfose please come up here and make your speech for your fellow graduates." My officer Tom says. I wipe my palms on my jeans  and hope for the best. I hate talking in a big crowd.

          "Hello you all no me as Rose. I am proud to say that we are graduating today. But we are not just graduating we are becoming adults and venturing into the world and I know you all know this will not be easy. It will be difficult it will be a challenge. But let's make it a challenge we are willing to take. I know you all will be fine young men and women. So let's embrace this challenge and make the difference in the world   I know we can make. Thank you and congrats." I take a sigh of relief and sit back down. They start calling up names to get their diploma's. I was the last to get called. I shook my professor's hand and take the diploma. After that all of them leave and find there families.

"Excuse me" says Clayton through the microphone. Everyone looks at him. "Hi I would like to invite my lady to come up here Rose." I stare at him and see that people are separating to make an isle for me to walk through. I start walking up there. As I walk up the stairs I feel my heart pounding in my chest. Still by the microphone he says "Come here baby." Holding out his hand. I take it. He pulls me to him.
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