Graduation part 2

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             He gets down on one knee and takes my hands and says "Rose I would be lucky if you would be my wife. So will you? I know there's things I need to work on. But if  you take me as who I am I think I can change."
                 "No" I say everyone looks at me. As I watch his smile turn into a frown. "No I don't think you need to change but yes I will marry you." I say in a caring tone. He lights up and pulls a little box out of his pocket. He opens it and reveals a ring.
Here's a picture of it,

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            "Yes oh my gosh yes." I say feeling my cheeks getting warm. He slides the ring on my finger.  "I love you." I say giving him a hug. Everyone starts clapping and I feel like the luckiest girl on the face of the earth.
              We walk off the stage and our family and friends come to greet us. They say things like hi and congrats and we say our thank you's and leave to talk.
                "How you doing?" He asks me.
                 "Good. I can't believe I'm a veterinarian now."
                    "Yeah me neither." After this short hollow talk we sit up and go home because he became maturnity doctor. So we wanted to make sure we got sleep. For we new we needed it. I went to bed that night. Then woke up at 6:30 because I had to help a horse. So I ate then got my overalls and rubber boots. I left to go treat my first patient. She was a 10 year old horse. She is pregnant and I have to check on her. I put the address in my gps and it takes me there. It's a huge house. They live on a ranch with lots of horses at least fifty. I walk up and knock on the door.
                     "Who are you?" The man said.
                      "The name is Serfose, Rose Serfose I am your Veterinarian." I say calmly.
                           "Oh I see. Right this way." I fallow him into the stables. They are all huge. He takes me into a pen and I see a horse laying down. "She's been acting funny so I need you to help her." I nod. I feel her baby. That part is fine. It's the straw. It needs to be changed.
                  "You need to change the straw." I say. "It's causing her to get sick but It's not bothering the baby yet. Still you should because it will soon." He looks at me and nods. He starts cleaning the pen. I leave. I have a 10 more visits. They seem to fly by. Next thing I know I am at my house. I had my fiancé come over tonight. We talked over a glass of wine. Then we talked about are wedding. He told me he was planning it before he even proposed to me. So it's almost all planned. I just have to get a dress and the bridesmaids dresses. "Yay I say." I say smiling. He nods at me.
                  "Are you mad or upset because I booked it so fast." He says curiously.
                    "No I'm just surprised." I say. We talk about it a little longer then he leaves. I have to call everyone who is in the wedding. I call my friends Hazel, Lilly, Megan, Olivia, and Sadie. Then I call my parents. Then my niece and nephew. Ok I say they all con go tomorrow on Saturday morning. I go to sleep then wake up to the sound of talking downstairs.

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