When things go wrong

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She walks downstairs to see whose there. As she gets down the stairs she slides across the living room wall. When she reaches the end of the wall she turns her head to see who is in the kitchen. She sees her friends, mom, and mother in law. Her friend Hazel is the first to jump out.
"Hey I'm usually the sleepyhead but I guess today you are." Hazel says with a chuckle.
"What time is it." I say with a yawn.
"10:00!" Says my mom.
"What! We are going to be late." I say in a worrying voice.
"Are you you feeling ok" my mom asks worried.
"Yeah you don't look so good." Says Lilly. Which I guess I look as good as I feel. I also should listen because she is a nurse.
"No." I say. After I say that my head feels like it's spinning and my eyes black out. Next thing I know I feel myself on the cool wood paneling floor of my kitchen. The last thing I remember is hearing people's feet shuffling and someone saying something about water. When I wake up I see everyone staring at me and my mom pressing a cool wash clothe firmly against my forehead.
"What happened." I say struggling to get up. So my mom puts a hand on my back for support.
"You blacked out." Lilly says.
"We were worried about you." Exclaims Olivia.
"For how long." I say in a shaky voice because I'm loosing my breathe.
"You need to calm down before you hyperventilate and pass out again." My mom tells me in a stern voice. She presses her hand against my head. "I think you have a slight fever."
"No no no! Why is this happening to me." I exclaim.
"Lilly come." Says my mom who is a doctor so yay I have to medical professionals. Lilly comes up and sits on the other side of my bed. She pulls out a bag of medical tools. She takes the thermometer and puts it in my mouth. As she does this my mom shows everyone out of the room and tells them to wait in the tv room.
Lilly takes the thermometer out off my mouth and says "100 degrees. You do have a fever."
"Rose honey is this all because of stress?" My mom asks.
"Yes I think so. I mean I love Clayton so much and I want to marry him. It's just he brings up we will be getting married in three months. That's not a lot of time." I say really without breathing so now I'm wheezing to catch my breath.
"I understand but you need to calm down. Let's see if we can get your fever down so we can go shopping." She turns to Lilly. "Go downstairs get ice and bring was clothes." Lilly obeys.
"It will be ok I'm going to fix it." I nod because I can't talk. Lilly comes back with a bucket of ice and a whole basket of wash clothes. Mom tells her something I can't understand and she leaves to the bathroom to wet the wash clothes. I start to feel cold because Lilly is placing ice cubes on my stomach and around my legs. Once she is done she grabs my hand. Then my mom comes back. She removes a couple of ice cubes so she can site up. She presses a wash clothe against my neck and back then lays me down again. Then she puts the rest around my chest and one on my forehead. After a couple of hours my fever still didn't go down so mom told everyone to leave or stay if they wanted. All of them stayed except my soon to be mother in law. Which I guess is fine because I don't like her very much. I really don't know why she just seems off.

When you have a perfect life then it backfires.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora