Planning the Food

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We get to my house after dress shopping and I decided that since we got back early we could start thinking of what food we're going to make. I get out cookbooks and we all get one to look at. Then my mom also takes out her homemade recipes. So we look and look.
"What if for our main meal we have shredded chicken sandwiches. Then for sides have mashed potatoes, pasta salad, salad, corn, green beans, meatballs, and dinner rolls. For dessert we make a few pies and have a little ice cream bar." I say with enthusiasm.
       "Sounds delicious." Says Hazel.
        "Yeah it does." Says Lilly. All my other friends shrug and look like the don't care.
       "Yes that sounds great." My mom says with a worried look.
       "What?" I ask my mom.
       "How are we going to make all that?" My mom asks.
       "Good question but I think we can do it." I say. My eyes black out a bit.
"I'm going to sit down." I say. Mom rushes over and asks
        "Is everything alright?"
       "No I just don't feel good." I say.
        "Come here. We are going upstairs I'll be back." Says my mom. She hands me her hand. I take it and she leads me to my bedroom. She sits me down on my bed and gets out her medical kit. Let's take your temperature. I sit there with the thermometer when I black out again for I don't know how long. When I wake up I am in my pajamas and my mom it blotching my head with a wash cloth.
         "What's wrong with me?" I ask.
         "I don't know but I do know you have a 104 degree fever and need to rest." She says worried. I go back to sleep. In the morning I wake up and rush to the bathroom. I feel sick but nothing comes so I lay on the floor. My mom wasn't there so I think she went home. I fall back asleep on the cool floor. Then I'm waken by mom shaking me.
          "What are you doing?" She ask.
          "I felt sick so I came here I didn't do anything but the floor felt nice." I say. She nods and presses her head against my head and confirms I still have a fever. "Rest you need to rest." She tells me. I nod. Before I go to sleep there's a knock on the door. My mom opens it. Clayton stands in the doorway.
       "Again. What's wrong? We need to figure this out." He says.
        "I have a fever, headache, lightheaded, blackouts." I say. He nods and pulls my mom out in the hallway. I hear them talking about test or something to run to see what's wrong. Bleep bleep. I hear my phone. I walk over and get it. A horse has a broken leg and they want me to patch him up. I  walk over to my closet and start changing. My fiancé and mother must have heard because they come rushing in.
       "What do you think your doing?" My mom says sternly.
       "A horse hurt his leg and I need to help him." I say in a weak voice. I don't feel good but I have to look better than I feel so they will let me go.
       "Well someone else will have to do it. You are not well enough to do it." My mom says.
       "But-" I start.
      "Listen to your mom. I mean you have to be warm look at the sweat running down your head and your shirt it's almost soaked. You are doctor you know what it means to run a fever. It means your body is fighting the sickness in you so let it. Go lay down. And no more buts." Clayton tells me. I nod and obey. He gets ice from downstairs and puts it all over my stomach and chest. Then he hooks up an IV that he brought from the hospital.

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