Figuring out what happened

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       My mom goes to get some supplies and comes back in a half in hour. She takes these rubber strips and puts them on my arm. I realize she's trying to put an IV in.
         "Is it really necessary to put an IV in mom." I say.
         "Yes we need to keep you hydrated." Says Lilly.
          "Ow" I scream.
          "Sorry it moved out of your vain and is trying to go through skin." She says. She moves it and it feels better.  "You should get some sleep." I nod and drift off to sleep. When I wake up I see Clayton standing in the doorway.
              "Sorry I didn't come sooner I was buisy." He tells me.
                 "It's ok I understand." That's when my mom and all my friends come up.
                  "Good your up says mom. I know what's wrong you blacked out because you were so stressed out." My mom tells me.
                    "Will it happen again?" I ask.
                   "No unless you keep stressing out than it might." She answers.
                     "But that's impossible I have to find and by a dress in three months. Plus yours. We didn't do cake tasting either. -" Is was in erupted by my mom who is saying
                      "Shh ok ok breathe." She tells me. I do and Clayton grabs my hand.
                       "I wish you called me Rose." He tells me.
                      I shake my head "And do what? You would just leave a baby who needs your help to see me even if I'm fine. No I won't let you. I don't want to be the one that makes you leave a baby or a mom in stress." I say.
                    "Ok" he says.
                   "Let's take your temp again." My mom says. She puts the thermometer in my mouth. We wait a few moments and then she takes it out. "You still have a slight fever." She takes off the melting ice and all the wet cloths. She puts the items in a bucket of cool water. She leaves.
                 "Let me see how warm you are." Clay says putting a hand out my head. "You are warm he says.
                  "I'm fine." I say.
                 "No your not." He says back.
                 "Yes I am." I insist.
                  "You are stressed out I don't think that's fine." He says with anger in his voice. I start feeling drowsy again. That's when my mom comes back. She sees I'm about to pass out again so she runs to me. She taps my cheeks and says something I don't understand. Before I black out she gives me something cool to drink. I drink a little. Then she removes the blankets and has Clay move me to the bathroom. He stands me up over the sink. My mom runs water and splashes some on my face. The grabs a wash cloth puts it under the water then rings it out. Clayton moves and supports me by holding me under my arms while my mom rubs the back of my neck with the cool wash cloth. Then she lifts my shirt a little to get my back. When she's done Clayton carries me to my room. When he lays me down I close my eyes. As I drift off I feel pressure then wetness followed by relief. I am awakened by my alarm clock. I get up. I feel better.

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