Sneaking out

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After I fake falling asleep I feel them check my vitals. When they finally leave I slowly start to move the ice on my left side. I take my body pillow and put the ice on it. Then I take my IV out. I open the window and climb downstairs. Thankfully my medical kit is in my car already. I get into my car and take my keys out. I realize how sick I feel when I'm moving but this horse needs me and only me. I don't work with anyone and I need the money to pay for the wedding. I drive to the address. I knock on the door.
"Hello." A man says.
"Hi." I say.
"Do you feel ok?" He ask.
"Not really but your horse needs me." I tell him. He nods and takes me to his horse. It's a yellow and brown horse.
"Her name is Destiny." He tells me and explains the story of finding her and it being like destiny. I didn't hear all of it because I became nauseous after a while.
"I'll go get you some aspirin and a glass of water." He says. I nod. After patching the horse I feel really nauseous and throw up on myself. Then I black out again. It's weird because I can still hear. I hear the old guy come out and drop everything. I feel him patting me. I realize he's looking for something. When he finds it  he pulls it out. I now realize it's my phone. He presses call to call the latest person I called which luckily was Clayton. I hear them talking.
"Hello. Why are you calling from your room?" He ask.
"This isn't her. I'm Tom she came to help my horse."
"Is she ok."
"I don't know she passed out. And is laying unconscious in my barn."
"Tell me address. Ok I'll be right there." Not to long after I get a car come speeding in and a door slam. Then another. I hear male and female voices and realize they belong to Clayton and my mother. I feel something cold press against my chest over my heart. They take my temperature.
"She's running a 104.3 fever." Clayton says worried.
"Take her to the hospital." My mother says. He nods. He slides his hands under me. When he picked me off the ground I fell limb. He slid me in the back. Then gets in the drivers seat and starts driving. My mom sits in the back with my head in her lap. We end up home instead of the hospital. He lays me down on my bed. My mom kicks him out as she changes my clothes to my pajamas. Before she slides on my pajamas she puts a cold rag inside my shirt so I lay on it. When she's done Clayton comes back in. He plugs my IV in. Then he checks my pulse and heart.
"No we have to wait till she wakes up." He says.

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