III. Making Your Character

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Everyone wants a character that they like, don't they? Well, sometimes that's the hardest part about Role Playing. What do you want for the character to look like, act like, etc. I remember sitting for hours on occasion just trying to create a character. I would try for so long sometimes I'd get bored and start flipping through pictures of whatever was on my mind before the character or start writing, just giving up until I try again later. 

What's the name?
Human or no?
Boy or girl?
How old is he/she?
What does the person wear?
What does the person LOOK like?
Do I want it to be a regular person like a realistic human or do I give him/her powers?

All of this is really up to you. But this can be the hardest part. Sometimes I find it's easier to flip through pictures of characters from tv shows or pictures of anime boys/girls on google/yahoo until I see a picture that hits me, and I base the character's look around that. Then I'll sit there and ponder the name. However you decide your character, just beware of making it a Mary Sue/Gary Sue.

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