The Big One

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"It came! It finally came!" Sid said with oddly, a smile on his face, whilst he placed a box on his desk, and as Braedimus and Woody looked over. He opened it, then looked inside the box. "'The Big One'." Then, he pulled out a big blue rocket with red fins and a red nosecone. He then placed the rocket down, and read the warning sticker on the side. "'Extremely dangerous. Keep out of reach of children'. Cool." He smiled, then looked around his room. "What am I gonna blow? Hey, where's that wimpy cowboy doll?"

Sid looked to the floor, and saw the upside down milk crate. He picked it up, and saw lying underneath. Unbeknown to him, Woody was holding onto the bottom of the crate.

Also, Braedimus was hiding in camouflage, using his red paint to blend in against a fuel can nearby the desk

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Also, Braedimus was hiding in camouflage, using his red paint to blend in against a fuel can nearby the desk.

Sid then stepped forward, and as he did, he heard the sound of a laser buzzing. He looked down, and saw Buzz on the ground. "Yes..." He said sinisterly. "I've always wanted to put a spaceman into orbit." He placed Buzz on the desk, along with the milk crate, but he caught Braedimus underneath the milk crate.

Then, he picked up the toolbox, and placed it on top of the milk crate, making Woody fall from his position on the milk crate. He picked up an instruction manual, and hid underneath it. As Sid looked through the toolbox, he found Daphne, and had another sinister idea. Then, he pulled out some gaffer tape, and began to do something, as both cowboy and Autobot firetruck watched. After about 20 seconds, Sid placed 'The Big One' down on the desk, but it had both Daphne and Buzz stuck to the rocket!!

Braedimus and Woody's eyes and optics widened in horror, but then, a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder echoed out from Sid's window, and he saw it was raining.

"Oh, no!" Sid groaned in annoyance, walked up to the window, and smacked his forehead against the glass. "Oh, man!" Woody and Braedimus sighed in relief, but felt something would happen, and they were right. "Sid Phillips reporting." Sid then spoke out, as if he were a commander of the NASA program, and began to wind up a clock, with a baby doll's arm as the ringing arm. "Launch of the shuttle has been delayed due to adverse weather conditions at the launch site. Tomorrow's forecast: sunny." He laughed sinisterly. "Sweet dreams." The clock read 8:23PM. 

Both Braedimus and Woody were worried for their allies.


Meanwhile, back in Braedey's room, the brunette boy was lying down in his bed, still feeling down for the loss of his four toys. He hadn't felt this bad in forever.

"I've looked everywhere for them, honey." Naomi told Braedey, then tied the Autobot bandana around his head. "I could only find your bandana. I'm really sorry about this, Braedey."

"But, what if we leave them all behind?" Braedey asked her worriedly.

Naomi gently cupped his face, and kiss his forehead. "Don't worry. I'm sure we'll find Woody, Buzz, Daphne, and Braedimus Prime before we leave tomorrow morning." She told him, then turned off the bedside lamp light. With that, and as her son fell asleep, Naomi tiptoed out of the room, and gently closed the door behind her.

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