Chapter 1

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It was a hot summer day in August, Cori walked around the cruise ship aimlessly, her family had already found activities to do on the ship. Cori, being the anti-social 18 year old she was, wandered around the deck to find a place to sit and read. Finally, she found the perfect spot by the pool. As she put in her head phones and opened her book to where she left off, a guy tapped her on the shoulder. She took off her head phones and looked at the stranger with wavy brown hair tucked into a striped beanie, wearing a blue tank top and black shorts.

"Hey, I didn't mean to bother you, but is this seat taken," he said indicating to the chair next to her.

"No, it's free. Go ahead." Cori said as she put her headphones back in once again.

"So what are you reading?"

Cori shyly showed him the book cover without saying a word.

"The Hunger Games, excellent choice," he said trying to continue the conversation.

"Yeah I just love to settle down and read a good a book."

"Quality reading time is great," he said. "I'm Nick, by the way, Nick Buongiovanni."

"I'm Cori, Cori Olsen."

Cori began to read her book again and Nick left her alone and headed to the edge of the pool. He stripped of his shirt, revealing his moderately toned upper body. His beanie fell, letting his wavy locks blow in the sea breeze. Cori sneaked a peak from behind her book. A blush crept onto her cheeks as she observed the boy jump into the pool. She had to admit, she found him quite attractive, but knew there was a high chance that she wouldn't run into him again.

Cori later found herself wandering around the ship once more. She ran into a guy in a snapback.

"Whoa, talk about wardrobe change," Cori said to the boy wearing a dark blue button up and jeans.

"Um, I don't believe we've met before," he said clearly confused by the question.

"We just met at the pool a couple hours ago," she said, not believing that he had already forgotten about her.

"I'm sorry, but I think you have me confused for someone else. I haven't even gone to the pool yet."

"Yes you have! I just met you! You're unbelievable," she said walking away from the confused boy.

Later that night, she and her family made their way to the dining room. They were assigned at table 307 and were led their by a waiter. The other family that was assigned to the table had already arrived. She recognized Nick as one of the people sitting at the table, however, there seemed to be two of him. Her family sat down, leaving the only empty seat next to one of the "Nicks".

"Cori, right," the one seated next to her asked.

"Yeah, that's right. And you're Nick, but who's the clone," she asked.

"Hi, I'm Adam. I think we ran into each other earlier," the one next to Nick said.

"Oh, well that explains a lot," Cori said as a realization hit her. "I'm sorry for getting upset earlier."

"It's fine," Adam chuckled. Nick look at us confused.

"You guys met earlier?"

"Yeah, there was a little misunderstanding," Adam explained. "I guess you guys met earlier and she thought I was you."

Cori blushed as Nick laughed.

"Don't feel too bad. It happens all the time, but there is a way to tell us apart. I'm the more attractive twin," Nick said with a smirk.

"Shut up, you idiot. We have the same face," Adam exclaimed.

"Yeah, but I'm older and I had it first! You just stole it," Nick argued back. Cori watched in amusement as the twins bantered back and forth about who was more attractive. Personally, Cori thought that Nick was cuter, even though they looked almost exactly alike. She observed them and noticed subtle differences between the two. Adam had shorter hair compared to Nick's wavy fringe. Adam also had his ears pierced, one of the most obvious differences between the two. Nick constantly made her laugh throughout the meal. She slowly found herself falling for the older twin. Sure Adam was pretty cool, but there was some kind of connection with Nick.

As Cori became more acquainted with Adam and Nick, she found out that they were from New Jersey and they were YouTubers and both attended Rutgers.

"Wow, what a coincidence. My best friend, Jane, is attending there this coming year," Cori explained. "She's been trying to convince me to go with her ever since we got our acceptance letters."

"Why haven't you made your final decision yet," Nick asked curiously.

"I don't know if it's the right choice for me. I'm a theatre major."

"I'm a film major and part of the curriculum is doing a drama class. It's actually a really great program," Nick explained.

"So what's your major, Adam?"

"I'm a psychology major," he said proudly. "So did you and Jane just apply to Rutgers or did you get in on a scholarship?"

"Jane actually got in on a soccer scholarship. Here's a picture of her," Cori said, showing them a photo of her best friend. A small smile appeared on Adam's face as he looked at the photo on the screen.

"Earth to Adam," Nick said snapping Adam out of his trance.

"Wait what?" Adam asked, still dazed.

"You've been staring at that photo for a couple of minutes," Nick said nudging his brother. Adam immediately turned red as he handed the phone back to Cori.

"She's pretty," Adam said blushing.

Cori ended up hanging out with the twins until she decided to go back to her cabin. As soon as she walked into her room, her older sister immediately began to tease her about Nick.

After Cori had left, Adam began to provoke his brother.

"So, Cori's pretty cool," Adam said making Nick blush.

"Yeah, she's great," Nick said with a smile.

"Dude, are you going to make a move?"

"I just met her, mannn. I barely know her."

"Well that's why you get to know her. Ask her to hang out, buy her a drink, shimmy for her. Just do something to woo her."

Nick was already falling for her, a girl he barely knew, but the one thing he did know was that he wanted to get to know her more.


Author's Note

Hey guys. This is our first fanfic that we've written together. We already have the next couple of chapters planned and *spoiler alert* Adam becomes a bigger character as the story progresses and the rest of SDK + Nolan will be in it. If you want to read more, please vote and let us know in the comments :)

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