Chapter 8

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Nick's alarm clock went off at 6 AM, waking him up. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and looked up. He realized that his computer was on his lap and his Skype was open. He looked at the screen and saw Cori sleeping, her hair falling out of her pony tail and her glasses still on. She slowly began to stir, almost knocking her laptop over. She looked at the computer, suddenly realizing that Nick was looking back at her from her computer screen.

"Good morning, beautiful," Nick said with a smile.

"Aw, good morning, Nick," she said back. "What time is it?"

"6 AM! We've go to get up early to catch our train to NYC at 7:30."

"Oh, okay. Did we really fall asleep on Skype?"

"Yes we did. By the way you're really cute when you snore," Nick said winking.

"I do not snore!" Cori exclaimed. "Oh my god, I can't believe you're seeing me like this! I look awful," she said covering her face with her hands.

"No, you don't. You look cuter than ever with your messy hair and glasses."

"And you're a liar. Anyway, I better go and wake up Jane. What time are you guys picking us up to go to the train station?"

"We should be there around 7, which probably means I should wake up Adam before he drenches his pillow in drool. I can't wait to take you around New York."

"Me neither! I'll see you soon," Cori said ending the call. Nick walked over to Adam's bed, started playing loud music from his phone and jumped on top of him.

"A-dam wakey wakey! It's time to get up!" Nick yelled as he continued to jump on his brother. Adam practically threw Nick off of him as he groaned."Come on, don't you want to see Jane?"

Adam's eyes opened widely and he popped out of his bed immediately. Nick laughed as he watched his brother.

"Shut up, Nick" Adam said with a groan. "What time is it?"

"Just after 6. I told Cori we would pick them up at 7 so we could make it to the train station on time."

45 minutes later, the twins were just about ready to leave. Nick was wearing khaki shorts, a black pocket tee, and a black and white snapback. Adam was wearing black shorts, a black and white New York skyline pocket tee, and a black and white striped beanie. They grabbed their wallets, and Adam grabbed his keys. They arrived at the hotel right on time. The girls were waiting for them in the lobby. Adam and Nick looked at the girls in awe. Nick greeted Cori by kissing her on the cheek. He thought she looked stunning in her denim blue button up, white shorts, and sandals. Her hair was in a messy bun, making her look even more adorable to Nick. Jane walked up to Adam and gave him a hug. Adam just looked at her, taking in her beauty. She wasn't too dressed up; she was wearing pink shorts and a white blouse. Still, she looked amazing, especially in the eyes of Adam.

"Are you gals ready to take on the city?" Nick said taking Cori's hand.

"You bet we are," Cori said as they all climbed into the car. Nick opted to take the backseat with Cori, and Jane had sat in front with Adam.

"How did you sleep last night," Nick said as Cori laid her head on his shoulder.

"Pretty well," Jane said with a small smile. She looked at Adam and gave him a small wink. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he smiled back at her. The four of them made small talk the rest of the drive to the station and on the train ride. By the time they reached NYC it was around 8:30.

"What are we going to do first?" Cori said, practically dragging Nick by the hand. She was bouncing with excitement, closely resembling a little kid on Christmas.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2014 ⏰

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