Chapter 7

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The entire ride home, Adam hadn't said a word. Nick was beginning to get very concerned. When they arrived at the house, Adam turned off the ignition and hit the steering wheel out of frustration.

"Bro, calm down. It's not like Jane was really into Joey anyway," Nick said in an effort to calm him down.

"But I wanted to start getting to know her tonight, you know, just hang."

"Well if you wanted to do that then you shouldn't have said yes to Joey."

"I know, but what was I supposed to say?"

"Um...No... We could've gone to McDonalds or something instead."

"But why did Joey have to go and ruin it?"

"He didn't know that you were into her. You can't blame him for that. So what now? Are you just going to ignore him?"

Adam sat there and contemplated Nick's question. What he said was true. He couldn't really blame Joey for what he did. Still, that didn't stop him from being angry about it.

"I mean, I can't exactly control how I feel about what happened."

"Maybe you should call Joey to tell him how you feel," Nick suggested as he got out of the car.

Adam soon followed behind him. He eventually decided that calling Joey might actually be the best thing to do. Joey was one of his best friends, and he should be comfortable telling him how he felt. After a 2 rings, Joey picked up.

"Hey, man," Joey said. It wasn't the usual, obnoxious greeting Joey would give when he answered his phone, but that mean he knew that Adam was upset about something.

"Hey, Joey. Sorry we left so early."

"Look I know why you guys left. You're obviously upset."

"Yes, yes I am upset. You know why? Cus I was just trying to get to know the girl, and I actually wanted to hit it off with Jane, but then you went all Mr. Steal Yo Gurl and ruined everything for me. You made things so awkward and made Jane feel super uncomfortable. I'm surprised that you didn't notice that it was bothering me. I thought you knew me better than that," Adam vented into the phone.

"Is that it?" Joey asked after Adam finished.


Joey burst out laughing on the other end of the line making Adam super confused. "I hope your realize that I was just messing around. You know how I am. It was all a joke, except for when I said she was hot. Where did you even meet her?"

Adam stayed silent for a moment out of complete disbelief. "Oh, well she's the friend of Cori, Nick's girl."

"Nick's girl? No wonder he was staring all googly eyed at her."

"Yeah," Adam said with a  laugh. "We met Cori on the cruise, and her and Nick hit it off. Then she introduced us to her best friend, Jane. They're visiting New Jersey for a few days, but next semester, they're coming to study at Rutgers."

"Well they seem like really cool cats. I'm really sorry if what happened upset you. It was all innocent. I only gave her my number in case she got bored of you."

"It's all good. We'll just pretend nothing ever happened."

"Night man. Don't stay up thinking about her too much," Joey said hanging up.

Cori and Jane sat in their beds in their hotel room thinking about what had just happened. Cori was kind of in a love daze thinking about Nick. Jane was super confused. She had noticed Adam's change in behavior after what had happened with Joey.

"I think I'm going to text Adam to make sure he's okay," Jane said as she picked up her phone.

"Well I was actually about to Skype Nick. I could tell him to get Adam too," Cori said.

"No, that's okay. I kind of just wanted to talk to him alone. I'll just text him."

hey Adam, are you still up?

yah i'm up. sorry for the way Joey was acting

you don't have to apologize for him

btw that was all a joke just so you know.

yeah I figured. guys aren't usually into me or flirt with me

i'm into you...

Jane didn't respond right away, which made Adam kind of freak out.

"Did I really just text her that?!? I'm such a loser. I got ugly hair, stupid hat. Stupid, stupid, stupid," Adam exclaimed. Nick watched in amusement as Adam repeatedly hit himself with his hat.

"What did you do?" Nick said.

"I told her I was into her and of course she isn't responding cus she doesn't even like me." Adam continuously watched his phone, picking it up every so often to see if Jane had replied yet.  

"Bro, you probably freaked her out," Nick said after 2 minutes.

"But I didn't mean to!" Suddenly, Adam's phone went off. He quickly lunged for it to see what Jane had said.


what I meant was that I just wanted to get to know you more.

oh okay haha

yeah...anyway what do you and cori want to do tomorrow?

maybe go out to the city? we've never really been there

sounds like a plan. we can take a train out there tomorrow. but if you want to go then you might want to get some sleep.

well I guess same goes for you. goodnight adam :)

sweet dreams jane :)

Adam fell asleep with a smile on his face. Nick was glad that everything was working out. Nick and Cori fell asleep on Skype, and they were all excited for the adventures they would go on in New York City.

Author's Note

10 points to your Hogwarts house if you got the references from when Adam was freaking out about texting Jane. if you didn't get the reference, here's the link: Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for the 200+ reads and 11 votes. Please vote and share the story if you're enjoying it. Leave a comment below if you like it :) stay rad

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