Chapter 6

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By the time the girls had checked in and unpacked at their hotel, it was eleven o'clock at night. As they were trying to decide what to do, Adam received a call from their friend Joey.

"Ayo wassup thug?" Joey said through the phone. Everyone could here it because Nick had made Adam put it on speaker

"What's up man. By the way, you're on speaker, bro," Adam said back.

"Hey, Joey!" Nick yelled from across the room.

"Yo wanna hit up Dunkin doe?" Joey said.

"Sure man. Mind if we bring some friends," Adam asked.

"Sounds dope. See ya in a few," Joeys said before he hung up.

"Wow, your friend seems like quite the character," Jane said with a laugh.

"So are you guys good with Dunkin?" Nick asked to Cori more than anyone else.

"Yeah, I'm starving. Traveling always makes me hungry," she replied back with a smile.

All of them piled into Adam's car, and off they went to Dunkin.

"So who is this Joey person we're meeting there?" Cori asked curiously as they drove.

"Well he's one of the guys in our collab group. He's also one of our best friends." Nick said.

"He has some interesting vocabulary." Jane said.

"Yeah that's cus he's a rapper named Joey Ghetto," Adam replied with a laugh.

"He raps?" the girls asked.

"Yeah he beatboxes too. Here, just listen to his hit single," Nick said as he plugged his phone into the car stereo. Suddenly, a beat started playing. The girls laughed as they listened to the obscure lyrics, and their laughter become uncontrollable as they heard, "Let me touch your butt." Nick began to shimmy, making Adam very uncomfortable.

"Nick! Stop you idiot! I'm driving!" Adam yelled.

"Nick, did you really just shimmy," Cori said laughing. Nick turned a deep shade of red.

"Well, it is one of my special talents."

"It was perfect!"

"Well I'm glad someone enjoyed it," he said smiling. Soon, Adam's car pulled into the Dunkin' Donuts parking lot. Since the twins were sitting in the front, they got out of the car first and opened the door for the girls. They were walking into the nearly empty restaurant when they heard someone yell.

"Ayyyyy was good sons," said a guy wearing a tank top with a cat on it and khaki shorts. He gave the twins bro hugs.

"Hey Joey," Adam said returning the hug.

"This is Cori and Jane," Nick said introducing the two girls. Nick wrapped his arm around Cori's waist as they walked up to counter to order their food. When their coffees were ready, Joey went to the pick up counter to get them.

"Is this where I pick up chicks," he said loud enough for everyone to hear. "Cus I want that one," Joey said winking at Jane. Adam immediately began to tense up but only enough that Nick noticed. Jane turned to Adam awkwardly and laughed.

"Is he usually like this?" she asked him.

"Nope, not usually," Adam said, his annoyance apparent in his voice. Adam looked at his brother sadly, but Nick couldn't really do anything about the situation. Joey sat down next to Jane and handed her her coffee.

"Roses are red, violets are're hot just like this coffee," Joey said to Jane making things even more awkward than they already were. Jane laughed lightly to try to remove some of the awkward tension. Adam was not amused, and Nick could tell that Adam wasn't enjoying this at all.

"You gatto be kitten me right meow cus you are purr-fect," Joey said again. Now he was making Jane feel awkward as well.

"Okay, Joey, I think she gets it," Adam said clearly annoyed.

"Aw what's wrong A-damn, jealous of my a-meow-zing womanizing skills?" Joey said as he moved even closer to Jane.

"Well, we should probably go now. The girls seem really exhausted from their trip," Nick said as he and Cori got out of their side of the booth.

"Wait, you guys are leaving already? You literally just got here," Joey said.

"Yeah, but they've been traveling for about 6 hours and its exhausting," Adam said as he impatiently waited for Joey to get out of the booth to let him and Jane out.

"Alright homies. I'll hit you up later," Joey said as he got out of the booth. Adam walked out of the restaurant without saying goodbye and quickly got into his car. He watched everyone else say goodbye. He noticed Joey slip a paper with his phone number into Jane's hand. His anger level grew even more as he saw Joey give her a hug before they left. Soon, everyone else joined him in the car.

"Well, that was interesting," Cori said after a couple minutes of silence.

"Yeah..." Adam said keeping his eyes trained on the road. Nick nudged his brother and gave him a worried look. Most of the drive was filled with awkward silence. After what seemed forever, they pulled into the hotel parking lot. The girls said goodbye before they walked into the hotel, leaving Adam in a bad mood and Nick concerned for his brother.

Author's Note

We are sooooo sorry for not uploading for almost 2 weeks! Things have been crazy and such, but this chapter is a longer one. We might be uploading another chapter today, but stay tuned to find out. Thanks for the 10 votes ya'll! Can we maybe try for 15? This will not affect our uploading, but it let's us know that you're enjoying the story :) Stay rad!

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