Chapter 2

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The next day, the cruise ship docked at Free Port at the Bahamas. Cori and her family took a taxi to the beach. At the beach, Cori spotted Adam and Nick.

"Hey guys what's going on?" Cori asked.

"Oh I was just about to go on a stroll down the beach, would you like to join me?" Nick asked, hoping she would say yes.

"Sure, why not. What about you, Adam, are you coming?" Cori says.

Nick looked at Adam and shook his head, signaling to his brother that he wanted to be alone with Cori.

"Nah, I think I'm gonna hit up the Tiki Bar, but I'll see you guys later" Adam says.

As Cori and Nick walked away, Nick looked back, and Adam winked at him.

"So how did you sleep last night," Nick asked awkwardly. He had no idea what to say and it was the first thing that came to his mind.

"Um, pretty well I guess," she replied just as awkwardly. "It's my first time on a cruise, and I'm still trying to get used to the rocking. I actually felt a little sick and had to go out on the deck for some fresh air."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Well if you ever need some company out there, you can always come and find me."

"That's really sweet. I actually did get a little lonely last night."

"Just come and find me, and I'll be more than glad to spend time with you," he said with a smile causing Cori to blush. "So since we don't really know each other that well, how about a game of 20 questions?"

"Why not? You can ask me a question first."

"Are you single?" Nick asked nervously.

"I am single like a pringle...even though pringles come in a stack..."

"AYYYYYY LMAO," Nick said as he laughed. "You're hilarious."

"Haha thanks," Cori said blushing. "I think I'm going to echo your question and ask if you're single."

"Yes, yes I am. Are you tired?"

"Um, not particularly. Why?"

"Cus you've been Ed SheeRUNNING through my mind all day," Nick said cheekily. Cori stopped walking and just stared at Nick before she lightly pushed him. He gently pushed her back before she took off across the sand with his beanie in her hand.

"Hey give me the hat," Nick said before chasing after her. He finally caught up to her, grabbed her by the waist, and spun her around. She started to laugh uncontrollably, causing them the fall on top of each other. Cori landed on top of Nick, her hair covering their faces. Nick looked into her dark brown eyes as she looked into his greenish brown eyes.

"You're beautiful, did you know that," Nick said moving a strand of hair out of her face. Cori turned a deep shade of red as she pulled herself off of him.

"And you're lying," she said as she wiped the sand off of herself. Nick got up and held her arms.

"Why would I lie about something like that? You're honestly gorgeous," Nick said sincerely. Cori bit her lip and blushed as she turned away from him. She started skipping down the beach, soon to be followed by Nick.

“So, I think it’s your turn for another question,” Nick said once he caught up to her.

“What’s your favorite band?”

“To be honest, it’s One Direction,” Nick said, embarrassed by his answer.

“You’re kidding right?” Cori asked surprised.

“I’m a male directioner and I’m not afraid to say it.”

“I’m not making fun of you, I promise. I LOVE ONE DIRECTION,” she said fangirling.

They continued to play, slowly learning more and more about each other. As they were walking, Nick intertwined their hands, causing Cori to blush. Adam noticed the couple walking back to where their families were and gave his brother a thumbs up. Cori giggled as she sat between the twins. They spent the day at the beach, and even when they got back on the ship, Cori and Nick were inseparable. After dinner, Nick decided to take Cori and Adam to a karaoke contest on the ship. After Adam had had a few drinks, he got up on stage and sang Call Me Maybe. He got a standing ovation from everyone. Nick convinced Cori to sing with him, but he didn’t tell her what song they were singing. Nick practically dragged Cori on stage and the intro to Kissin U by Miranda Cosgrove began to play.

“When I’m kissing you, it all starts making sense. All the questions I’ve been asking in my head like are you the one should I really trust crystal clear becomes when I’m kissing you,” Nick sang looking Cori straight in the eyes. She became breathless, not from her singing, but from the sincerity in Nick’s off-key singing. After the song ended, Adam, hyped up from all the soda he drank, started to chant, “KISS HER, KISS HER, KISS HER!”

Suddenly, the entire room was filled with the sound of everyone chanting “KISS HER!” to Nick and Cori. Cori giggled as Nick smiled at her.

“Should we give the people what they want,” he said with the wink. Cori only giggled more as Nick slowly began to lean in.

 Author's Note

Ayyy first cliff hanger of the story. To kiss, or not to kiss, that is the question. We hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to comment, vote, and this story to your library. It would also mean a lot if you shared this with your friends. Maybe they'll like the story too. Stay rad!!

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