Chapter 2

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I could see how we became friends, but it was hard to see how we became so close, so fast. We were alike, but different in many more ways.

We both were wild and adventurous. But you were charismatic, I was not. You were loved, I was not. You were beautiful, I was not. You were white, I was not.

I'm still not those things, and I was still black.

But somehow in three weeks since I met you, I was in your room. We played with with those toy cars you had, and ate the chocolate brownies your mom loved to bake.

"Rocky, Imani, come here!" Mrs. Gray had yelled from her kitchen. We just came from the beach, our towels still enveloped us. We had went straight to your room, and played with your toy cars and trains. 

"Okay, mom!" You yelled, jumping up and quickly ran out the room, me at your heels.

We looked at each other and grinned when we smelled the beautiful aroma that flowed from the kitchen. Your mom laughed. Her blue eyes, the ones you took from her, twinkled with happiness. She held a plate of chocolate brownies, and chocolate chip cookies. Homemade. Our favorite.

She carried them to the house's from porch and we followed. We took a seat on the green grass and bit into the delicious delights, the summer's sun shining on our joyful faces.

We talked and joked with content. You teased me, something you loved to do. 

I watched as you ate your brownie so contently. I glanced at the plate, there was only one more left. You probably would eat it ans so I'd had to be fast if I wanted it. I glanced back at your face, you eyes were closed. My hand flew to the plate but your tanned hand had grabbed it already.

You laughed in my face. I scowled at your face. But inside I was happy.

The way you rejoiced over a brownie...

I figured you really loved it.

The way you thanked your mom over and over again...

I realized you loved her even more.

When you put the rest of the brownie next to my face, still making fun of me for losing it and said, "brownies are the same color of your skin. I think I love them more now," and took a piece and then stuck it into my mouth...

I think I loved brownies more than you even did.

Hurts InsteadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora