Part 3: THE END

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                   Chapter 7

Graduation. Summer. We both went to New York for College. People always said relatiomships from High School didn't work in College, but we stayed strong.

Freshman year passed. We were still together. Junior year came and we were still going strong. Senior year came then graduation again, and we had no plans of breaking up.

One day we were talking about serious things. Our life together. Our future. You and I decided we'd get married. We'd travel the world together. Then we would have a family.

There were no ifs about it. No if we stay together or etcetera. It was always just a question of when. When we were done with school, when we had our profession, when our life was stable enough.

We had so much faith in our relationship. We knew we'd be together. We were ready for a commitment.

It's just there were other things we didn't consider.

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