Chapter 5

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We were unofficial. But I was happy. I was getting kissed by you ever single day, and no girls were there to interrupt us.

One day, you got handed a new car. I was home that day, my plan was to stay home and watch Netflix.

You had other plans for me though, and I hadn't a problem in the world.

My phone rang and rang and I grasped it with annoyance. My annoyance disappeared quickly though when I saw the caller's ID.

"Hey, Rocky." I said.

"Babe..." That was a new frequently used word but it made me blush.

"Yeah?" I said .

"Guess what just happened?" You asked, excitement laced in your deep, smooth velvet voice.

"Umm..." I giggled as I threw my guesses at you. Then you finally told me with complete joy...

"My mom just bought me a new car, Imami!" You yelled into the phone. "A brand new car, babe!"

I laughed as you rambled on telling me the details of your new gift. I was so happy for you. Even though your mom was a single mother, and not a rich one at that, she still made sure you were happy. She really cared about you and I knew you cared for her as much.

I was sometimes jealous of that. Even though I loved my mom, our relationship was no close to being as best as you and your mother.

"I got a gift." You said. "You got one too."

You came to my house in your brand new car. Kissed me, open the door, and we began to do one of your favorite things. We drove around in your car till midnight. This was something you loved so much that I ended up loving it too. You often told me it helped relieve your stress.

At the end, we sat in your car. Your hand in my kinky curly hair, me staring into your deep ocean eyes. You brought your lips to mines. Then you brought a small golden box out. A small golden necklace was soon wrapped around my neck.

You leaned in. Your lips lightly touched my ear,making me shiver. "Be my girlfriend, Imani."

I screamed yes a thousand times.

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