I Waited on the Carrot King- Louis Fanfic

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5:00 am. Work. There's nothing more annoying than having to wake up at five so can I be a waitress at a diner from 7:00- 2:00. I work almost nine hours per day, six days per week. New York is a tough place, especially if the only job you can get is a minimum wage job as a waitress.

This morning, I awoke, feeling groggy as ever. I took out my regular jeans, with my Kiss&Tell tee. I walked into the bathroom; only to be disappointed at my appearance. Extremely messy, long brown hair. Tired, thick, brown eyes. After I fix up a little bit, I'll acutally look Asian again. 

My room was purple; a medium dark purple. With too many windows, and rooms to small. My walls were covered with One Drection posters. Pictures of all the five members; but mostly of Louis. Yes, my celebrity crush was Louis Tomlinson.

I went downstairs; now ninteen years old, and living in my own apartment in New York. In more of a suburbs area; rather than the big, loud city, always rushing by. Today was a beautiful day. The sun was out, not a cloud to be seen. The grass outside was sprinked lightly with water, and a bit thick from the morning's dew. The trees had something beautiful about them today. Their leaves were thicker, their bark was healthier. I know, tree-hugging eco girl.

I grabbed my self a banana, and started on my way to work. I'd been texting Cesi, Clare, Zoe, Catherine and Kamie all morning. We're like One Direction's groupies. Kamie also works at the diner, so we could obsess and hang out once I got there.

The diner had just opened, I was on time. I put on my 'apron' that said HALO DINER. Nah, that's not where I work or anything . .

"Nice Day today, huh ?" Kamie said as she arrived. Kamie has long, brown wavy hair. A bit shorter than me, but still slender. Asian? You know it.

"Yea. Hopefully we'll get extra tips today. Then maybe we can go shopping." I said with a smile. Kamie's favorite 1D member is Liam. I like him, he's not my favourite, but I like him.

It was nearing 8:00 am and we were nearly full. YES, this means tips! 60% of the people that come in here are elderly, and they're usually generous. The other 30% is families with too many children, and the last 10% is people my age, to thirty.

I'd been working like a mad woman all morning, seating people, bringing them food. It's hard working in a diner in the morning when all you had for breakfast was a banana.

"Next party, please." said Kamie as she sat them down at a table in my area. I rushed over.

"Hey there. I'm Cam and I'll be your server today. May I offer you something to drink ?" I pulled out my notepad.

"Uh, Yes Please." There were five boys at my table. All in camp hoodies, only showing glimpses of their faces. Only their profiles. But I'm no idiot. I immediately recognized them. OneDirection.


"Erm.. Can I have- "

"Energy Juice, this morning Zayn?" I said with a wink. They smiled, and pulled off their hoods.

"Uh Yeah, I think the whole table'll want some."

I smiled, as I turned and went to grab some gatorade.


"WHAT. WHAT'D I DO, NOWWW?!" she said shrugging her shoulders.


I brought her into the kitchen so we could have a fan moment of screaming, and singing and dancing. The usual (: . I ran my fingers through my hair, took off my apron and grabbed some gatorade, and put it in a pitcher.

I WAITED ON THE CARROT KING- LOUIS TOMLINSON FANFIC.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora