The One That Got Away

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Hey There!

  Sorry it's been a week since I uploaded, I was in Cancun so I really couldn't write at all. Here's where everything builds up, and has to get control over itself. Louis has to find out sometime, right? SO, WITHOUT FURTHER ADUE, I give you, the next, and unfortunately, one of the closing chapters.

Lauren Xx

Song: The One That Got Away- Katy Perry


The boys & I are certainly having fun down at the Club Level. Niall & I are playing pool. Zayn of course is babysitting my love, Cam. And Harry didn't want to come. Liam, the most adorable little book worm he is, went upstairs early to read.

Niall picked up the pool stick, almost taller than him. He leaned down, eyeballing the table with his dramatic blue eyes. SMACK. Two balls into their holes.

"Nice shot there, Nialler, but let the Tommo show you how to do it." I pushed him playfully on the shoulder. And right as I'm about to hit the ball,


I froze. Of course, the most annoying feeling. Right as your about to upstage a leprechaun, your mobile vibrates irritantly in your back pocket.


I gritted my teeth, stepping away from the table.

"Everything okay, BooBear?" Niall said, emphasizing my other name.

"Alright Blondie, give me just a sec." I whipped out my mobile. Zayn calling me. Oh dear lord, What has that child done this time!


"This is no time to joke around, Lou." I heard a thick worry in his voice. I could nearly see it in those impulsive, coal-colored eyes.

"Oh no, Zayn. Is it your time of the month again?! I thought it was Harry's. Oh man, I'm so sorry." Next to me, Niall was collapsing on the side of the pool table, laughing hysterically. I never fully understood the ways of leprechauns.

"For real, Lou. You and Niall best come upstairs now." He muttered, worriedly and angrily it seems; like he's done something horribly wrong. Next time I should leave Ca-

And that's when it hit me. Cam.

"What happened to Cam you bloody idiot?!" and the line went dead. Niall wasn't laughing anymore. We both ran for the elevator.

Shit. This load of bullshit has something to do with Cam. If anything should happen to her . . . I don't know what I'd do! Most likely grieve by drowning myself in carrots and looking at old photos. Cam is my priority right now. I love her. Ever since . . ever since . . . my . . . departure from El- Cam . . she's my heart and soul; and right now I really need Liam to teach me how to play that on the piano. But anywhom- Without Cam . . it's like Harry without Curls, Zayn without Mirrors, Liam without Books & Niall without Nandos. It just . . doesn't work.

When the elevator door opened, I ran as fast as my Toms could carry me. Praying that my Carrot Queen is alright, and I groped for the door knob, as I wanted Cam to be standing there awaiting my arrival. I want to hold her close; and I want it to stay like that. No interruptions or misunderstanding or . . . regrets.

I opened the door, Niall right behind me. My eyes scanned the room. No Cam. But I found Zayn and Harry on opposite sides of the room, both looking away from each other, and both sitting heart-brokenly on the floor.

Heart-brokenly . . .?

"ZAYN WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON." I took him by the shoulders and hoisted him off the ground. Curly came beside me and placed his hand on the center of my back.