Every Long Lost Dream, Led Me To Where You Are.

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Louis & I were obviously more than I thought, and I was so happy about that. There was only one thing that worried me; what if . . when he leaves to go back on tour . . what'll I do ? I tried not to think about all of the possibilities and just enjoy right now. Besides, I should be thankful and stop complaining. How many directioners get to say that they're Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend? ONLY ONE.; ehem.. ME.

"Actually . . change of plans." Louis said as an adorable smile spread from cheek to cheek.

"Uh oh."

"Noo, there's nothing to worry about. I just . . don't want to end the night so soon."

"What exactly do you mean by that ?"

"Well . . let's just say , FIRST you need to do a little shopping with my stylist."

"Who's your stylist?" I asked as Louis opened the hotel room door.

"ME." said Zayn grabbing his jacket, wallet, and taking my hand. Right on cue.

"I am so confused." I said as Zayn hurried me downstairs. Louis had another plan. Crap.

Zayn and I jumped in a cab and hurried off to some store . . I think it was like . . Charlotte Russe or something.

"What size dress are you?" Zayn asked me as we walked inside.

"I have no clue."

"Okay then, I'd say you're about... " he said taking a good stare at my body. I snapped my fingers.

"Zayn. Quit it."

"Sorry- whatever we'll just . . figure it out as we go along." He said as he started running his fingers through the clothes up and down the aisles, scanning the place for a dress.  He pulled out several, but I was no help to him. He knows what Louis looks for in girls' dresses better than I do. If that wasn't obvious.

"Here, how about this one?" he said, pulling out . . EW THAT THING?

"What the fuck, ZAYN WHAT IS THAT?" I said making a face. The top part was blue, strapless, but the 'skirt part' was flower patterened.

"Okay then."He said as he skipped through some more aisles.

Next he pulled out a white dress. It was short. It was tight at the top, and kind of pouffed out at the bottom, hardly. I didn't know how much I liked it. I shook my head.


We decided on a black dress, short and tight fitting all around. Strapless? Duh. It had teeny tiny ruffles at the bottom, that gave it an edge. It fit me well, but now we had another problem.



"No Zayn. Just No. You can count me out of wearing high heels, or those crazy platform ones. No no no no no. I'll wear flatts, or I'll wear-"

he pulled out a pair of dark purple Van sneakers.

"PERFECT." I said slipping them on. "Ok, let's leave now."

"Whoa whoa whoa, Missy! We haven't even gone to Hair & Makeup!"

"Holy crap, Zayn. I hope you're not doing my hair and makeup."

"Naah, Of course not, hon'."

He generously paid for the nine hundred dollar dress and the ten dollar sneakers, and made me change into them so we could go to wherever it is Louis wanted me from here. But first, we stopped at a SEPHORA.

Fav. Store. Ever ?

There was a really nice guy there, Albert, who did my makeup. He touched up my near-perfect skin with foundation, and smokey-eyed me, finishing it off with a natrual pinkish-peach lip gloss, that supposedly would last all night.