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"Hey."  Alec says, walking up to magnus. "What are you doing here? You never come to practice."  He says, kissing him.

"I am taking my favorite baseball player out for a celebratory dinner."

"That sounds great, just let me get showered and changed and I will meet you in the car."

"Ok."  Magnus says, kissing alec as he runs to the locker room.


"So."  Alec says after the waitress brings their wine and takes their orders.  "What are you celebrating?"

"You remember me telling you that a friend of mine was starting a modeling agency when we graduated?"

"Yeah, it's tessa.  Right?"

"Yes.  She needs a clothes designer and she wants me."

"Magnus,  that's great."

"I know. We leave for new york as soon as we graduate."

"That's great."  Alec says, smiling at him, the takes a deep breath and says, "you wasn't the only one who got good news today."

"Tell me."

"The Toronto Blue Jays scout was at practice today.  They want to sign me. He said I was one of the best college catcher he has seen in a long time."

"Darling, that's great."  Magnus says, leaning over the table and kissing him.

"I guess."

"Why isn't it?"

"Well, after graduation you are going to be in new york and I'm gonna be in Toronto. How are we going to do that?"

"Alexander, if anyone can make a long distance relationship work, we can. Besides, I'm sure you will play in new york and I can always come to Toronto and you don't have to live in Toronto in the off season."

"You sure we can make it work?"

"Of course we can."  Magnus says, kissing him again.

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