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"Thank you for seeing me."  The interviewer says, sitting down on the couch across from magnus.  

"You're welcome."

"I have to ask, is there anything that I can't ask about?"

"If you ask something I don't want to answer, I'll let you know."

"Very well. Did you always want to be a fashion designer?"

"Yeah. I was always putting clothes together for everyone I met."

"I wish I would've had a friend like you."  She says, laughing.

An hour later they are still sitting and talking.

"Ok. Would you mind a couple of personal questions?"

"Go ahead."

"Why doesn't anyone ever see you and your husband together?"

Magnus laughs and says, "obviously you don't read the sports pages. My husband is alec lightwood, starting catcher for the Toronto Blue Jays so he's not here all the time."  He says as the door opens and alec walks in.

"Sorry. I didn't know you were still doing your interview."

"It's ok, Alexander, come sit down with us."

Alec sits down and magnus leans over and kisses him.

"How long have you two been married?"

"Almost a year."  Magnus answers,  intertwining his fingers with alec's.

"For two people who are in the spotlight, that's a long time, especially if you don't see each other alot."

"Well."  Magnus says. "We trust each other completely. We have never given each other a reason to not trust each other. We love each other deeply which means when we do see each other, it makes it even better."  He says, looking into alecs eyes, smiling then kissing him.


"That interviewer did an amazing job with her article."  Magnus says, reading the magazine with alec's head in his lapping and running his hands through his hair.

"Read me some of it."

"Everyone wonders why in everyone of magnus banes designs there is always the same shade of blue, well, I have found the answer to that. The moment I met his husband, alec, I knew. Alecs eyes are that exact blue. I never seen two people who are in the public eye to have such a loving, trusting marriage. They have been married almost a year and have been together since college and they still act like a couple of teenagers. There love is one that will last a lifetime."

"Do we really act like teenagers?"  Alec asks, looking up at magnus.

"Yes."  Magnus says, kissing him.

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