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"Magnus." Alec says while he is laying in his lap. "What do you think it going to be like being parents?"

"I think it is going to be terrifying and wonderful at the same time."

"Me too." Alec says as the doorbell rings.

When he opens the door, he finds himself face to face with a young girl.

"Can I help you?"

"I'm charlie." When alec continues to give her a blank look, she says, "you probably know me as charolette."

"Please, come in." He says, closing the door behind her.

"Charlie." Magnus says when she sits down. "What are you doing here?"

"It's my parents, even though you guys are adopting my baby, they are still giving me a hard time about it. The stress of it all is too much."

Magnus glances at alec and after a silent conversation, he says, "you can stay here if you want."

"You sure?"



"Jem." Magnus says after they get charlie settled in the guest room. "You need to get a hold of your clients and let them know their daughter is going to be staying with us til the baby is born."

"They won't be happy about that."

"We don't care. Our main concern is our child and from what charlie told us that environment is too stressful right now. She has agreed to go back home after the baby comes."

"I will tell them."

"Thanks, jem." Magnus says, hanging up the phone.

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