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"Magnus."  Alec says, knocking on the locked bedroom door.  "Please talk to me."  When he doesn't get an answer, he sighs and says, "I know you are mad at me and you have every right to be mad."  He says, sitting on the floor and leaning on the door. "But I want you to know that I did not kiss her, she kissed me, took me completely by surprise. You are the only person I want to kiss."  He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and lays his head back.

Alec is taken by surprise when the door opens and he finds himself laying on his back, looking up at magnus.

"How could you think the only reason I am mad is because some random woman kissed you?"

"Why else are you mad at me?"

Magnus throws his hands up and makes an angry noise out of his nose.

"What?"  Alec asks when magnus doesn't say anything.

Magnus turns to him and says, "your wedding ring."

"My wedding ring?"

"Yes."  Magnus says,bending over and picking up alec's left hand.  "The one that is supposed to be here."  He says, pointing at alecs finger.

"You mean the one that is there?"

"What?"  Magnus says, looking. "You have it on?"

"Of course I do.  What is this about?"  Alec says as magnus sits next to him.

"You didn't have it on when that woman kissed you."  He says and when Alec laughs, magnus asks, "what is so funny?"

"I take my wedding ring off for games and practice so it doesn't get bent. It is always the first thing I put on after I shower."


"If you don't believe me, call jace."

"I'm sorry I overreacted."

"You had every right to but remember,  I love you."

Magnus smiles at alec, leans toward him and softly brushes their lips together and says, "I love you too."

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