Friends and Bends

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Rydel just released her secret, of her crush being on the same matchmaking service as her, to Laura.

Laura's pov

Calum?!"I exclaimed.

"Shh!Yes, him! Guess who else is on it!"Rydel didn't give me a second to wonder.


"Oh,"I was just about to state her chances when she interrupted.

"I know I have no chance now but I need to check who I am going on a date with tomorrow night!"

She removed the laptop from under her pillow and showed me the site.

I saw:

Your next date is with.

Carl Johnson!

He will pick you up at seven.

If you have any queries then please contact


Carl's number:


"Oh Darn!"Rydel exclaimed.

"What's the matter?"

"I don't want to go out with a phoney!"

"What makes you think that Carl's a phoney?" I wonder aloud.

"His name for starters!"

"His name does not say it all. You don't know him! You haven't even seen him! You-wait a second...Your trying to hook up with Calum!"

Rydel blushed. "Maybe?!"

I laughed, "I thought you got over him!"

Rydel had made such a big deal about how she was getting over Calum.

"I hav-"

I cut her off, "Obviously, not!"

While I was calming down from laughter, Rydel dialed the number and spoke to Carl.

Rydel's pov

We spoke on the phone:

R:Hey Carl! This is Rydel! You're my date!

C:RYDEL!Oh no! Why do I have to date you!

R:(slightly offended)Um, excuse me?

C:Are you sure we're meant to be dating!

R:Um, yes, but we don't have to if-

C:GREAT!I'll cancel it right away!

(C hangs up)



"He hung up on me!"She complained.

"I thought you said he was a phoney so why would you care?"Laura smirked.

" don't care!"

"Obviously!"Laura repeated.

Just then, Rydel's laptop buzzed.

She checked it:

Carl has cancelled his date for you. We are now searching for your new date, who is...

Calum Worthy!

Calum will pick you up at seven.

If you have any queries please contact


Calum's number:


"CALUM!" Rydel did her happy dance and lunged straight at her mobile.

She dialed the number.




C:It's actually Raini...

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