Chapter 2- Kicks and Pain

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PJ just stood there for a few minutes before talking. "I actually don't know...." Chuckled PJ as he continued walking.
"Ok.... Y-you don't have to be nice to me PJ!" Stuttered Fresh. He didn't think he deserved such kindness, especially from the jock who was well known around the whole school!
Before Fresh knew it, they were outside their maths classroom. "Could you put m-me down?" Asked Fresh nervously, then seconds later he was placed down on the ground. "T-thanks PJ..."
"Lean on me if it hurts to walk." Stated PJ, knocking on the classroom door, which was opened a few second later.
"Why are you two so... late?" Asked their maths teacher, who was an old turtle.
"Sorry we're late sir, we had to make a trip to the nurse, turns out Fresh fractured his ankle." Answered PJ.
"Really now?" He spoke sarcastically.
"You can ask the nurse." PJ challenged.
"Nah, come in, you almost missed the start of year exam!" Chuckled the old turtle as he stepped aside, letting PJ and Fresh pass through.
PJ began walking, he forgot about Fresh then stopped looking at Fresh, who limped quite badly after him. PJ stopped and began helping Fresh into the classroom and to the two empty seats at the back. Everyone snickered at Fresh, well almost everyone.
Once Fresh and PJ were sat down, Fresh sat in a way that PJ could see his answers but the teacher couldn't tell he was showing PJ. PJ glanced at Fresh, smiling his thanks then looked at the papers in front of him. He wasn't good at math.
Fresh quickly wrote the answers, then once he was done, he waited for PJ to copy them. Once PJ was finished, Fresh turned the page and quickly wrote them all in again, this, to Fresh, was easy. PJ copied them yet again. This went on for about forty minutes.
They both put their hands up in unison, saying they've finished and asking to go to the library. The turtle sighed and nodded collecting their tests as the two skeletons went to the library, the darker boned jock helping the short nerd walk.
Once they arrived, Fresh took out a book passing it to the Librarian. "I-I've finished the book M-mr Goth... It was interesting!" Smiled Fresh, hiding the pain in his voice.
"Well I'm glad you liked it Fresh." Smiled the librarian known as Goth.
"I-I'll study things now..." Muttered Fresh as he limped over to the computers and logged on. PJ followed him silently sitting next to him. Fresh began typing quickly, the mouse began clicking a lot, PJ couldn't even see most the words!
PJ the piped up. "Say Fresh.... How are you feeling about staying round mine?"
"I honestly could care less but it's probably better I don't as it would be useless to pay my own r-" Fresh cut himself off. PJ didn't have to know. He thought to himself.
"Pay what?" PJ was now curious. Fresh and his stupid big mouth.
"It doesn't matter." Fresh spoke, and checked his watch.
"Dude there's time on the computer." Laughed PJ as Fresh looked up at him, his heart eye giving a slight spark.
"I know. But I don't care." Fresh sounded emotionless.
"Woah calm down." PJ spoke sarcastically.
Fresh logged to computer off and checked his timetable, he mentally groaned as he got up limping off. "We've got pointless exercise next." Muttered Fresh and PJ stared at him before bursting into laughter making Fresh stop.
"HAHA THATS A GOOD ONE!" Laughed PJ, that was the funniest thing he's heard.
"P.E is pointless exercise." Spoke Fresh as PJ stopped laughing.
"You weren't kidding...." PJ muttered.
"Yeah no duh." Growled Fresh, he was getting irritated by PJ. "I'm going to change now." With that Fresh limped off.
PJ stared salt Fresh leave, he couldn't help it stare at the way he limped. "I hope no one is crushing- WHAT THE HELL PJ?!?" PJ shouted at himself mentally, getting up running after Fresh. As far as PJ knew, Fresh wasn't gay, or so he thought.
Fresh was getting changed in the changing rooms as PJ was walked in, blushing at seeing Fresh shirtless, it confused him why he blushed but he just stood there, watching the short nerd get changed. It took a while for Fresh to realise, and once he did, boy was he a blushing mess. To see Fresh's delicate bones dusted in a violet blush made PJ chuckle for some reason. Fresh nervously spoke. "H-how l-long w-were you....?" He trailed off.
"I came in just as you took your shirt off....." Muttered PJ blushing, at that moment the bell rang and teenagers began rushing in, getting changed.
Fresh limped over to Error, telling him his ankle had been fractured.
Error stated something obvious. "You should be at home then."
"The nurse didn't let me." Fresh resisted the urge to take on a threatening tone.
"Fine you can sit out but as soon as your better I'm making you work hard." Growled Error as Fresh limped off, he could care less about Error.
PJ looked at Fresh and nudged his arm slightly. "You ok?"
"I'm fine!" Sarcastically spoke Fresh, that made everyone look at him as Error walked over to him.
"WHAT DID I TELL YOU THIS MORNING?!!" Error was angry.
"I don't care. I'm going home." Fresh picked his stuff off limping off, he could care less about Error being angry. He was just about to exit as soon as someone threw a football (or rugby ball if you live outside of the US like I do) at Fresh, it hit him in between his shoulders, making him fall and cough a little. Everyone laughed. Fresh got back up and continued limping. He didn't care if it hurt him. Then someone kicked his fractured ankle making him yelp and fall.
"Weak stupid nerd." The person who kicked his ankle, began kicking Fresh countless times.
Fresh whimpered loudly but he was kicked in the back of the skull a few times to shut him up. Which worked but made him tear up. He felt himself  being kicked by multiple people, he felt blood rushing out his mouth, everything slowly faded into black for him. Fresh was unconscious and bleeding.
Error stopped them, though he was a little late and got Fell (fell!papyrus) to take him to the nurse. Boy, did he choose the worst student possible.

(1086 words! Yea ya! Damn I guess I kinda lied when I said things were gonna get better.... at first it did then my mind said 'hell naw Fresh has to have a bad time first' I guess XD also I'll be using a friends idea in the next chapter, not this one, so I'm looking forward to how it'll turn out!)

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