Chapter 8- Long but short mornings

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Fresh and PJ slept peacefully until an alarm went off, loudly and annoyingly. The alarm played a loud and annoying beep.
PJ groaned covering his eyes. Fresh awoke instantly, yawning.
"What time is it?" Groaned PJ tiredly, keeping his eyes shut.
"Six am." Stated Fresh nuzzling PJ's shoulder.
"It's too early!" PJ whined, hiding his face in Fresh's shoulder.
"Get used to it sweetie." Giggled Fresh as PJ groaned again in pure annoyance.
"But Freshy, babe, what are we going to do for two flipping hours?" Fresh instantly got flustered as soon as the word 'babe' left PJ's mouth making PJ smirk.
"W-we g-get re-ready and l-leave early s-so we can relax b-before school wi-without rushing..." Muttered Fresh, looking away.
"Fine... Let's get you changed then." Smiled PJ, standing up and holding Fresh bridal style. Fresh blushed darker wrapping his arms around PJ's neck, nuzzling his shoulder. "Where's your room?"
"U-upstairs, second room t-to the left..." Fresh stuttered nuzzling his shoulder again.
"Cheers babe." Smiled PJ, walking upstairs, Fresh wrapping his arms around PJ's neck tighter out of fear. "Relax, I'm not going to drop you." PJ reassured Fresh arriving at his room.
Fresh opened the door for PJ, PJ walked in sitting Fresh on the bed.
"Where are your clothes?" PJ asked, a faint pink blush dusting his cheeks.
"I-I can g-get them myself!" Exclaimed Fresh blushing dark violet.
"O-okay..." PJ walked out the room before pausing. "Call me when your done sweetie." PJ closed the door leaving Fresh to get changed.
Almost fifteen minutes later and Fresh still wasn't done. PJ began getting worried so he opened the door a small bit and smiled at what he saw, Fresh had fallen asleep and he was curled up on the bed. PJ chuckled walking, sitting next to his sleeping love. He lifted him and placed him on his lap, shaking him gently. "Fresh, sweetie, wake up. We've got to get ready for scho-" PJ's phone went off with a loud DING! He took his phone out. It was a text from his dad and it said: "Hey son, I'll pick you and Fresh up in an hour, be ready and I'll make you both some food."
PJ texted back: "K, Thanks dad."
Fresh moved slightly waking up as soon as PJ's dad texted him back. "Your awake?"
PJ instantly texted back. "Fresh wakes up at 6am, so I had to."
Fresh opened his eyes shifting slightly. Another DING signified that PJ got another text from his father. "You fell asleep sweetie while you were gonna get dressed. Want me to help?" He asked.
"Please..." Fresh muttered his reply, blushing dark.
"Heh...  Ok... I'll get you your clothes." PJ said also blushing and he looked through Fresh's clothes getting out the clothes he thought looked half decent to his taste, being a blue shirt and a pain of jeans. "These ok?" Asked PJ, Showing the clothes to Fresh, he just nodded.
"Yeah, I'll get changed myself." He muttered, blushing dark.
"OK, don't fall asleep sweetie. My dads picking us up at seven." PJ left the room closing the door.
Five minutes later there was a slight shout from inside the room. "Ready!"
PJ walked in and smiled. "You don't look too bad sweetie." PJ said piking Fresh up carefully.

PJ carried Fresh downstairs and sat on the couch, waiting for either a text or a knock to the door. "Jammy? You never told me about yourself..." He muttered, looking up at PJ.
"Want me to tell you?" PJ asked.
Fresh nodded.
Just as PJ opened his mouth to speak but a knock at the door interrupted him. "Must be my dad..." PJ picked Fresh up and walked to the door, unlocking it. Error stood there looking tried and impatient almost.
"Hey son.... Fresh..." Yawned Error.
"Hey dad...  Picking us up ten minutes early?"
"Yep. Get in the car." Error stepped aside, letting PJ close the door and walk to the car, holding Fresh the whole time.
PJ waited until Error opened the door, sitting inside the car. PJ put Fresh's seatbelt on before putting his own one on.  Error sat in drivers seat looking behind him. "Did you do anything you shouldn't of?" Error smirked mischievously, making Fresh and PJ blush a dark violet and pink.
"D-Dad!/M-Mr Error!" They both shouted simultaneously making Error laugh.
"I'm just messing with you." He laughed as he started the car.
The two skeletons covered their face from embarrassment, Fresh hiding his face in PJ's arm and PJ with his own hand.
"Young love, so cute." Giggled a different voice making the two embarrassed skeletons look at who was in the front passenger seat.
"M-Mr Ink?!" The two skeletons exclaimed, their blush darkening.
"Yep. I had to make sure Mr Error didn't fall asleep." He chuckled until he felt a soft slap to his shoulder.
"You were the one who complained about getting out of bed. It took two coffee's to wake you up!" Laughed Error as Ink stuck his tongue out at him, forgetting that Fresh and PJ were in the back seats.
"Umm Dad, are we gonna go now?" PJ asked making the two adults blush and laugh awkwardly.
"Yep!" The journey was almost, silent other than a few questions from Ink to Fresh. They were mainly things in relation to school but then one question popped up. "Do you think I could talk to your parents? They never show up or answer the phone."
"U-ummm T-they're..." Fresh dragged on the word for a few seconds before PJ spoke up.
"They're dead, he lives on his own." The car suddenly stopped.
"What?" Error exclaimed, not caring if the cars behind him were blowing their horns at him.
"I l-live on m-my own... Be-because m-my parents are dead... I.. W-work to pay my own r-rent..." Fresh resisted the urge to cry.
"What?! Error. Take us home, I need to talk to Fresh. Now." Fresh shrunk back in his seat, tears slowly beginning to stream down his face.
The car began moving again. PJ looked at his crying love, wiping his tears away. Fresh only cried more, hiding his face in PJ's arm. The journey was short and as soon as they arrived Error and Ink were out the car and opening the doors for the two teenagers. Ink picking Fresh up and carrying him inside, while Error and PJ walked into the kitchen.
"Fresh, why didn't you tell anyone?" Asked Ink placing Fresh on the couch that sat in the living room (front room), looking at Fresh sternly.
"I uhhh........" Fresh muttered looking down before muttering quickly. "I didn't want to be a burden...."
Ink sighed, he heard Fresh. "You're a pleasure to take care of, you're polite, kind and smart. You'd never be a burden to anyone." Ink said kindly smiling.
"But I'd be a burden..." He muttered.
"Fresh, do you work to pay your rent?" Asked Ink.
Fresh nodded. "I work at this skate shop near school... It has good pay..." He muttered as Ink sighed.
"But if you told someone you wouldn't have to work." Ink sighed slightly putting his hand on Fresh's shoulder.
"...." Fresh stayed silent.
"You can stay here if you want, I'm sure PJ wouldn't mind." Ink chuckled making Fresh blush violet.
"O-ok... Th-thanks for the offer...." He muttered before continuing. "B-but I should pass...I like my job..."
"C'mon, PJ would be happy and you'd still be able to keep your job." Ink tried to convince him.
"F-fine... B-but I'll have to skip some school days be-because of my job..." Muttered Fresh.
"That's why you skip school days?!" Exclaimed Ink in surprise.
"Y-yeah..." Fresh sighed.
"And your in front of your class?!" Ink exclaimed in surprise.
"Y-yeah..." Nodded Fresh.
"You amaze me..." Muttered Ink before calling PJ into the room. "PJ take care of Fresh since he'll be staying here for a while." Ink smiled kindly as PJ nodded smiling and taking a seat next to Fresh, wrapping his arm around him.
"Awwwwh, cute." Smiled Ink making the two blush.
PJ kissed Fresh's cheek, making himself and fresh blush darker.
"Are you dating? if you don't mind me asking." Ink asked.
Fresh and PJ looked at each other before PJ spoke. "Yep. And I couldn't be happier." PJ kissed Fresh cheek, making Fresh blush darker.
"PDA! PDA!" Shouted a fairly high pitched voice making Fresh and PJ look at the owner of the voice.
"Oh, Palette and I are staying the week." Stated Ink calmly.
"Hi! You must be PJ's boyfriend, Fresh was it?" Asked the fairly high pitched voice, presumably Palette.
"Y-yeah..." Fresh hid his face in PJ's shoulder.
"Today will be just great... I hope..." Fresh thought sighing quietly.

(1412 words! Radical! This chapter will be split into two parts, this is the first part and I want to dedicate this chapter and the next chapter to someone called FriskxSansRulz because they're the person who gave me the idea for this and the next chapter, so thank you! I hope your enjoyed this chapter!)

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