Chapter 10- I'm running out of chapter names XD

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The day had been a drag for the two, being questioned, Fresh being teased and PJ getting angry.

As soon as Fresh and PJ arrived at Fresh's house, picking up some spare clothes and some books, then heading to PJ's house.
PJ carried Fresh to his bedroom, laying Fresh on the bed. "Hey Freshy?"
Fresh looked at PJ. "Yes?"
"I love you." PJ smiled laying down next to Fresh.
"I Love you too Jammy." He smiled kindly, kissing PJ's cheek.
"Hey, wanna do something fun? ~" PJ purred softly into Fresh's non-existent ear, making Fresh blush violet.
"W-what?" Fresh barely managed to stutter out.
PJ sat up. "Wanna play video games?" He suggested as Fresh blushed darker, nodding.
"Sure..." He smiled, sitting up. (NO SINNING TODAY BROS! XD)
PJ stood up, picking Fresh up. "We've got to go downstairs then."
Fresh whined. "But PJ! I'm tired!"
PJ chuckled. "How about we'll go downstairs, and we'll watch something? With a warm blanket."
"Okay!" Fresh smiled happily as PJ picked a blanket up, walking downstairs while carrying a tired and sleepy Fresh.
PJ sat down on the couch, placing Fresh on his lap and draping the blanket over them.
Fresh leaned back, closing his eyes as PJ put a random show on.
The two fell asleep minutes into the show, PJ's arms wrapped around Fresh and Fresh's head against PJ's shoulder.

Error and Ink walked in almost hours later, awing when they saw Fresh snuggled up against PJ and PJ protectively hugging Fresh. Palette walked in almost straight after, staring at Fresh and PJ.
Ink kissed Error's cheek. "I remember when we were like that." He purred into Error's non-existent ear, making the darker boned skeleton blush bright yellow.
"I remember it too..." He smiled.

Palette gagged. "Gross."
Error chuckled slightly.
Ink spoke up. "Pal, wake the two up when foods ready, ok?"
"Fine dad. But can we take a photo and send it to PJ?" Asked Palette.
"That would be cute." Smiled Error.
Palette quickly took a photo of Fresh and PJ sleeping.
PJ muttered, moving a little, laying down on the couch with Fresh next to him.
Palette quickly sent the photo to PJ, making PJ's phone make a loud PING noise, making PJ growl in slight annoyance.
Fresh snuggled up to PJ as close as he could, hiding his face in his chest, being fully covered by the warm blanket that covered him and PJ.

The two slept for another hour before Palette gently shook PJ awake. "PJ dinners ready."
PJ awoke, yawning, glaring at Palette.
"Wake up your boyfriend cause foods ready." Palette walked off.
PJ sat up, shaking Fresh away softly. "Fresh, darling, wake up." He whispered softly.
Fresh whined slightly, closing his eyes tighter.
"Fresh, foods ready." He whispered softly again.
Fresh opened his eyes, rubbing them.
PJ smiled, standing up and picking Fresh up and walking over to the dining table and sitting Fresh down, before taking the seat next to him. PJ moved his chair closer to Fresh's.
Fresh looked at PJ before intertwining their fingers together, leaning his head softly on PJ's shoulder.
The two heard a loud CLICK, snapping their heads towards the noise. There, was Palette, holding his phone and texting someone something, smiling mischievously.
A loud PING was heard, and PJ checked his phone. His, and Fresh's face's engulfed in a bright blush. There were two photos, one of them sleeping and the other of the moment they had just now, both from Palette.
Error and Ink walked in, seeing the flustered faces of both PJ and Fresh, chuckling.
"W-what- Why?" PJ stuttered out.
Palette answered, still smiling mischievously. "You two are an adorable couple."
"Yeah, what Palette said." Chuckled Error.
Fresh hid his face in PJ's arm. "I wanna go back to sleep..." He muttered quietly, sounding exhausted.
"Let's eat first okay?" PJ whispered and Fresh nodded leaning even more against PJ.
Ink placed plates of food in front of PJ, Fresh, Error, Palette and himself. The whole 'family' talked about their day, Fresh staying silent unless he was spoken too.
They continued long after they finished eating, not noticing that Fresh had fallen asleep, leaning against PJ.
When Palette noticed, he giggled, taking yet another photo.
PJ had a confused look on his face, before he glanced at Fresh, who was sound asleep.
"I should get Fresh to bed." He stood up, picking the sleeping nerd along with him.
"In the same bed as you sleep in?" Palette asked.
"Yeah." PJ replied without a second thought.
"Aww, don't go making babies though." Laughed Error, making PJ blush a dark pink.
"Daaaaad!" PJ whined, making Ink and Palette burst into laughter.
"I'm kidding!" Laughed Error as PJ walked off carrying Fresh to his room.
He had trouble opening the door, but when he did, hey lay Fresh on the bed quickly before closing the door and laying down next to Fresh. He quickly fell asleep as Fresh snuggled up to PJ, the two sleeping peacefully until morning.
(Sorry that this took forever!)

Broken Hearts ~A Naj Freshpaper Fanfic~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ