Chapter 14- Wake up

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PJ lay in bed, hugging an unconscious Fresh as tears streamed down his face silently. Ink, Error and Palette kept walking past the room, a look of sympathy plastering itself onto their faces each time.
Hours passed, PJ hadn't moved, the tears had ceased falling though.
Ink walked into the room. "PJ, you should come eat, it's almost nine pm." He spoke softly.
PJ looked at Ink. "But I don't want to leave... What if Fresh wakes up?"
"Carry him down stairs?" Ink suggested.
And, as if perfectly timed, Fresh's eyes slowly opened.
"But- Fresh?!" PJ was about to speak but interrupted himself when he felt a gentle tug on his shirt.
"J-jammy..." Fresh muttered, his voice just below a whisper, as he looked up at PJ.
"Yes sweetie?" PJ whispered softly, pulling his boyfriend up into a sitting position.
Fresh leaned into PJ staying silent.
Ink was watching from the door, awing at the somewhat cute scene.
Fresh gave a low mutter. "Jammy... Can we go eat...?"
PJ smiled, standing up and picking Fresh up bridal style. "Sure."
"Y-yay..." Fresh smiled softly, lifting his hand up to PJ's cheek.
PJ smiled softly, walking down stairs.
Ink started speaking. "Fresh, you had us worried... We got so panicked it ended up with Error shouting through the phone." Ink stifled a laugh.
Fresh giggled softly, leaning into PJ.
"The doctors said you have to have these pills which only let you sleep for a certain amount of time." Ink sighed, looking at Fresh.
"Why?" Fresh looked confused.
"You didn't wake up at all for almost twelve hours, I think, they said since you had insomnia for so long it's taking the opposite effect on you." Ink answered, putting food out onto the table for Fresh and PJ.
PJ sat down, placing Fresh on his lap. "I got so worried." PJ muttered, nuzzling the back of Fresh's skull making Fresh purr.
Error walked into the room. "Fresh is awake?"
"Yeah." Ink smiled walking to Error.
"That's good." Error smiled, leaning against Ink.
Ink wrapped his arms around Error's waist, leaning his head on Error's.
"So... What now?" Error asked watching PJ feed Fresh.
Fresh ate, blushing a bright violet as he was fed by PJ.
"Well after they eat, I'll give Fresh his pills, you and I can sort the dishes out then go to sleep ourselves?" Ink suggested.
"Okay." Error smiled, kissing Ink's cheek blushing a faint yellow.
The two older couple watched Fresh and PJ eat, PJ feeding Fresh then feeding himself.
Fresh moved a little, taking the fork off PJ, feeding him, smiling softly.
PJ blushed a bright pink, letting Fresh feed him.
Error and Ink chuckled softly, Ink walking off to get Fresh's pills.
PJ took the fork from Fresh, kissing his forehead.
Just at that moment Ink walked back with a bottle of pills, opening it and dropping out a single pill onto his hand, reading the bottle silently to himself. "Fresh is to have only one pill before bed... And if he can't fall asleep we have to talk to the doctors." He stated, passing Fresh a pill.
Fresh took it, placing it in his mouth before attempting to reach over to the glass of water, struggling to pick it up.
PJ took the glass from Fresh, helping him drink the water. He then placed the glass back and hugged Fresh.
"It says he should be asleep for eight hours once it kicks in and it should take about... twenty minutes to kick in." Ink read out, placing the bottle of pills onto the table.
"Okay. Fresh and I will go to sleep then." PJ said, picking Fresh up and walking to his room.

Error and Ink sighed, picking the plate, glass and cutlery up before walking to the kitchen and beginning to wash the dishes.
"That was worrying." Error muttered washing the dishes.
"Yeah, it was. At least that might not happen again..." Ink spoke, drying every dish Error washed putting it away.
"Hopefully it won't." Error tried washing the dishes faster.
"Slow down honey, we want them cleaned properly." Ink smiled softly, kissing Error's cheek.
"Okay Inky." Error smiled, slowing down. "I just want to sleep."
"I know Ruru, I know." Ink chuckled, kissing Error's cheek again.
"Can't we just leave it until tomorrow? You can try to do it with Fresh." Error suggested.
"Fine." Ink sighed, putting the towel down as Error closed the faucet, drying his hands off.
Error yelped as he was picked up by Ink. "I-Ink! Give me a warning next time!"
"Sorry honey." Ink smiled walking up to his and Error's room. They stopped by PJ's room.
Fresh and PJ were pushing each other, laughing.
"PJ, you should go! I'll be fine!" Fresh laughed slightly, pushing PJ gently.
"But there will be some people who are your mortal enemies!" PJ laughed, pushing Fresh back.
"You're exaggerating!" Fresh giggled, pushing PJ again.
"Who's exaggerating and go where?" Error asked.
Fresh and PJ looked at Ink and Error before they burst out laughing.
Ink chuckled.
Error spoke up. "Shut up!" He shouted.
Fresh and PJ calmed down, hugging each other, PJ being more careful. "PJ was invited to a party by BP and Undyne who said they were gonna drag him along anyway." Fresh spoke, snuggling up to PJ, closing his eyes.
"I don't want to go." PJ whined.
"You should go! I mean you've been worrying about me constantly, so you need a break." Fresh muttered, pulling PJ closer.
"I don't have a choice because BP and Undyne are dragging me along anyway..." PJ sighed.
"Well, I guess you're going then." Error laughed slightly.
PJ whined. "I don't wanna!"
"When is the party?" Ink asked, raising a brow.
"Tomorrow." PJ answered quickly.
"Be back home by eight pm. The latest." Fresh growled softly looking up at PJ.
"B-but I don't wanna even go!" PJ whined.
Error and Ink laughed. "Fresh is being your mom now?"
Fresh blushed brightly. "S-shut up..." He muttered.
"Okay, okay, I'll try get back before eight pm. If I'm not back by then, what's my punishment?" PJ sighed.
"You sleep on the floor." Fresh stated.
"What?!" PJ exclaimed.
"For a week." Fresh continued.
"Whyyyy?" PJ whined.
"Should I make it two?" He smirked slightly.
"You're evil." PJ muttered, hugging Fresh.
"You were evil to me so payback." Fresh smiled, looking up at PJ, opening his eyes.
PJ groaned.
Error and Ink laughed.
"This isn't funny!" PJ shouted.
Fresh was heard snoring softly. The pills took a sudden effect on him.
"Well I'm going to sleep." PJ closed his eyes, slowly falling asleep as Ink carried Error to their room, falling on the bed and instantly falling asleep.

(Sorry for not updating for so long, some things came up.)

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