Authors Note - Please read

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I'm sorry for not updating but something's been on my mind.

What if I re-write this? Make the chapters longer but I'll still go to the same person for ideas (You know who you are and I owe you.) Who would read it? Should I re-write it?

I based it off the schools where I live, but I wanna try something different.

I dunno... It's up to you guys, I'll keep going until chapter 20 if I do rewrite it before I actually start making the new version. I've just been debating it today (25th Aug 2017). I just don't like how this is turning out at the moment. Too much drama, if you ask me. But like I said, it's up to you, the readers, if I keep going or start again.

Sorry again for not updating. ((This is kinda random))

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