The Maze

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Okayy, so i was only 15 when i wrote this.. so bear that in mind :P

I now have a new trailer for this book at the side ------>
check it out xD



"Is this the right address?" my mum held the map up so I could get a good look at it before she scrunched it up again. "I can't see it. Maybe we should just go home" "No it's here, look" I led the way through a small alley way until we got to a tall house with big iron gates in front of it. "Oh, sorry I didn't see it" the house towered over all of the others in the area and it was almost impossible not to notice as we passed by. The windows were all boarded up and there were statues in the front garden. It almost looked like a horror movie. I pressed a button on the side of the gates and waited patiently. We had to wait a good five minutes before someone replied. "Number?" said a voice from the button. "17" I said. "Ah Grace Feraras, welcome to the 78th Officials" The gates opened to let me in.

Unfortunately mum wasn't allowed in with me so I had to say my goodbyes there. She started to cry immediately and plunged into my arms. "Please don't go Grace" She was hysterical and I had to calm her down. "Mum I will be ok, ok? I am going to try my very hardest. I have been signed up for this thing for 2 years and I'm not wimping out now" I took her hand and squeezed it. "I'll watch on TV" she said as I walked up the long stony path to the front door of the house. The air was cold and I wanted to get in quickly. The doors opened almost immediately releasing a glorious smell. I stepped in carefully and stood motionless admiring the beautiful decor. The room was lit up by a roaring fire in the corner burning brightly and a couple of candles placed randomly around it. The carpet was a lovely red velvet colour with a few gorgeous mocking birds sewn onto it staring upwards. I stepped to the side hoping not to get mud on it, off my trainers. I scanned the room again and saw a man smiling at me from the other side of the room. He briskly walked over holding his arms out; I was half expecting a hug until he gave me a slight nudge into another room to the side of me. "Don't worry about the carpet" he said "I have five more upstairs" He whispered this into my ear and gave me another little nudge. I smiled and trudged away.

This room was much bigger and there were many portraits, of what must have been important people, on the walls. There was a large gathering of people here signing up. Some people were having numbers painted onto their skin to show what team they had been put in. I slowly made my way across the floor to a small table. "Number?" a girl said to me. I wanted to ignore her and study the room a bit more but obediently I told her my number. My number was 17, which meant I was the 17th person to get chosen for these officials. I had waited 2 years and could hardly believe it when I got the letter telling me I had made it this year. My mum was horrifically worried but three of my brothers were supportive, even though I could tell they were a little jealous they didn't get in. One of my brothers, John, had been entered into this ultimate challenge but sadly died a month before it begun. I have blamed myself for years for his death. If you won the officials you would get eternal glory, more money then you could shake a stick at and more importantly you would get to keep your life. There was a maze at the back of this house and I knew this from all the games I have watched over the years. But this was no ordinary maze; this was the biggest maze in the world, covering miles and miles of land. All the teams would enter the maze at the same time but at different points. There were 10 to a team, 5 girls and 5 boys ranging from ages 13 - 17. I was 15, so well inside the age limit. 10 teams would enter the maze but only 1 would be able to win, it was a battle to the end, to the death. Some people would think this was a crazy idea and nobody would be so stupid to enter, but they don't know how far people would go for fame and fortune. I was in this for only one reason, to get money to save my family.

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