The Maze [part 3]

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As we walked Kyle gripped on to my arm tightly, he was digging his nails in but he was obviously scared so I didn't say anything. No one spoke for a while after the kill but things started up again eventually.

"Team 6 aint gonna be happy" Ricky said with a worried tone. "We have to watch out for them"

"We have to watch out for all of the teams Ricky" Said Arran.

"Especially 6" Said Ricky.

"Especially all of em"

"Especially 6" He muttered again.

"Shut up"

"Why are you so scared of 6 Ricky?" said Kyle.

"I'm scared of all of em"

"But why especially 6?"

"Cuz we killed two of their team, durr"

"Pfft, now tell me really why"


"Why aren't you telling us?"

"Fine, I know one of the lads in 6. Ray Burton. He used to go my school and..." Ricky hesitated "he is a big bully". Arran and Kyle laughed in unison and a few others scoffed. "Did you get bullied?" Said Arran in a baby voice. Ricky glanced at Arran and looked away. "Oh my god you did didn't you? You got bullied by this guy"

"No" Ricky's voice went soft and fragile and he stuttered "He killed my sister".

Everyone glanced at Arran who looked ashamed with himself. No one spoke for at least a couple of minutes. It was one of those awkward silences and I hoped it would end soon.

"Listen Ricky" Arran started.

"It's ok Arran, you didn't know" he said "It was about 3 years ago and she was only 6. He just walked up to her and crushed her skull with his bare hands. He was 10 years old. 10. How could a 10 year old do something like that? He went to juvenile prison and was let out a year later. I was furious of course. The judge said to me that he had a reason but what reason could he possibly have to be let out of prison for murder. I went to him when he was in prison. Police surrounded him but I didn't care, I swore to him that someday I was gonna kill him for what he did to my 6 year old sister. I'm gonna kill him alright. If any of you guys get chances before me, don't kill him. I'm gonna kill him, me, nobody else ok? Ricky's voice had increased and he was almost shouting by the end "That's half the reason I came in here, Revenge"

"Alright mate" Billy squeezed his shoulder with his enormous hands and suggested we moved on. Ricky was left to the back with his thoughts.

"You should have left it. If he didn't wanna tell you he didn't want to tell you. End of" Katie said to Arran who was trudging in front.

"Shut up Katie, I didn't know" He said. She put her hand over his shoulder and hugged him. Naomi slowed to talk to Ricky

"You will get your revenge Ricky" She hugged him.

"Hug?" Kyle opened his arms to me. I did need a hug but I didn't want to show it. "Come on Grace you know you want one" I went in for a hug. It was nice and I felt much better after. I felt safe with Kyle and also I kinda fancied him. I ended up staring at him for a bit and smiled. I looked back and saw that Rowan was starring at me. He smiled and looked to Kyle and then looked back. He raised his eyebrows and I mimed to him "Me and him?" he nodded. I looked disgusted and shook my head franticly. I pushed Kyle away from me and walked up front.

"What was that for?" He said but I ignored him. Wait, I thought, what if Rowan tells him I was starring at him for ages. I stopped and let Kyle walk past. Rowan walked past and I walked with him.

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