The Maze [16]

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Ricky pulled his sword out and Arran, Kyle and Rowan joined him also pulling theirs out. What was I going to do?

"Here" said Rhea who was standing besides me. She held out a small black object to me.

"What's this?"

"A stun gun, found it in the underground maze and forgot about it"

"Why are you giving it to me?"

"cuz you don't have a weapon"

"What are you gonna use?"

Rhea pulled out her spear and leant it against the seat.

"Take it"

I took it and held it firmly in my hand.

"It won't kill but it'll stun them for sure"

I looked at the stunner and then up a Rhea.

"Look, I don't wanna be a bitch anymore. Your in ma team and I'm gonna help you" she said.

"Thanks Rhea"

"No probz"

Arran, Rowan, Kyle and Ricky leaped out of the bus into the crowd of people. And we followed. Katie stayed curled up in a ball on the bus.

"Get off girl" said the bar man but she didn't move "Get off or I'll have to shoot you"

She moved and walked off the bus into the crowd with no weapons. Me and Rhea looked at each other.

"What's she doin?"

"Let's go"

We plummeted into the team below. They were Team 5. My mind flashbacked to Faun's arm and I remembered the number that was written on it. It was the number 5, she was team 5. This team. I caught a glimpse of the heads as I ran past. I stunned a few people on the way through the group but they had recovered now and were coming after us. I ran at the bushes but was grabbed before I could get through them. The big hands pulled me back and threw me to the ground. I stunned him in the foot and he fell in pain. I scrambled to my feet and stunned him again on the head. He clutched his head hard and whimpered on the floor. I stunned him again in the crotch before legging it. I could hear him screaming and crying behind me but I didn't look back. I looked to the rest of the group. They were too busy worrying about the others in team 3 to notice they had a man down. Everyone was all ok so far. Kyle had his fighting partner under control, Arran was taking on two kids but seemed to be doing quiet a good job of taking care of them. Rhea looked ok fighting with a younger girl and Ricky was blasting his way through competitors. Rowan took a head off someone in yellow shorts and cried out in victory. Wait, I was forgetting someone. Where was Katie? I turned and ran back to the fighting and waded my way through the active bodies. Where was she? I stunned my way through the crowd.

"Ow, Grace!" said Arran clutching his side. I had stunned him by accident.

"Sorry" I said and carried on.

There were a couple of people wrestling in the mud on the floor and I had to leap over them to get through. The mud was thick but I managed to get through it. Katie was lying on the floor. She was motionless. I assumed the worst.

"What do you want" she whispered with her eyes still closed.

"What are you doing?"

"Playing dead"


"Just pretend your mourning me"

I bent down in the mud and put my hands on her chest.

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