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Chapter 3 (Nathaniel)

My eyesight was slightly hazy as I stumbled about trying to regain my balance. Man, was I in trouble, I thought. Paige did not seem to be very happy at the moment, and I was pretty certain that the next time she saw me I was going to be on the receiving end of her fury. Something hit me hard on the head and I turned to see the guys laughing at me. I didn't have the slightest clue as to where we were, and the sun had left us a while back, leaving us intoxicated and lost in the dark somewhere.

I picked up the crushed can of beer that had hit me in the head, mustering all the strength left in me, I threw the can at Jonathan's face. He stopped laughing and gave me a cold look.

"What the hell was that for, Price?" he asked.

He had known me for enough time now to call me by my first name, but never had. I didn't find it necessary to ask him to do otherwise, since almost all the teachers at school used my last name to address me as well. I had become used to it, I suppose. Just as I'd become used to Jonathan's friendship, though I was beginning to regret it just now. As an individual, he wasn't bad at all. In fact, he was one of the most talented football players on the team at school, and had a good way of carrying himself whenever Coach gave him any responsibility during games. But it still didn't make any sense to me why he felt the need to act out sometimes, for example, bringing us here and providing everyone with he alcohol.

I snapped out of my revery when I noticed he was still waiting for an answer, his eyebrow arched in confusion.

"For drowning the damn car", I yelled back.

I still found it hard to believe we were in this situation. Jonathan had insisted we all drink, he said it wouldn't be worth it if we wasted the hard earned alcohol. I didn't even bother asking him how or where he had acquired it from... I don't think the others cared. Things had worsened when he decided to drink and then get behind the wheel. Then, drunk and speeding at the same time, he'd missed the wide open lake that had appeared out of nowhere it seemed. One moment we were all laughing, listening to music turned up loud and driving down an empty road; the next second, we were all in the middle of a rather large body of water.

Thank god we'd all survived.

"Dude, I was kinda drunk", he said as an excuse. I rolled my eyes and looked at my cell.

Paige hadn't called back yet. Was she mad? Of course she was, I thought; this was Paige, and she always got mad when I did something reckless and stupid. A cold breeze brushed against the back of my neck, and I pulled my jacket tight around me. With the onset of the colder night, I started to feel myself slightly sober up, though there was definitely still a buzz in my head. Maybe I'd gone overboard with the drinking. I was mature enough to admit that much, at least.

Just then a light came into view and the bushes rustled around us. The other guys all stopped doing whatever they were doing. I heard one of the guys suck in their breath and all of us stood completely still. Please tell me someone had come to help, I prayed.

A figure came through the trees and stood there with their hands on their hips.

I squinted to get a better look.

Oh crap! I almost sent back my earlier prayer for help just then. This was not going to be good.

"How the hell did you get here?" Paige asked, looking accusingly at Jonathan.

He walked over to her.

"Why are you looking at me?" he asked her, anger in his voice.

"Because you got him drunk again", she answered, mustering all her courage to stand up to him.

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