Chapter 8

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Watching as the sun had faded from the sky revealing the beauty of the stars my mind went wondering if my dad was also looking at these stars as well . I wondered if he was okay right now , if he was missing me at the moment the same way I miss him . I tried to push these thoughts away before focusing back on my way . There were quite a lot of people in this area  , couples holding hands , parents guiding their children , boys trying out their new flying skaters and even an old man sitting alone on one of the benches while holding a picture of whom seemed like his wife .

I kept walking until I reached the metro , it wasn't that far , in fact it was at the end of the street . As I got inside the metro I noticed the huge silence that occupied the place , the only thing I heard was the sound of my breathing and nothing else. That of course was before a tall man who seemed in his thirties entered . He had black hair and he looked kind of -kind of suspicious. His pants were slightly ripped , as the cuffs of his shirt were covered with blood . Oh My God !  I have never felt comfortable being alone with a man and knowing he had blood on his clothes didn't make me feel any better. In fact it made me feel worse. I tried to erase the random thoughts that kept popping in my head about the possibility of him being a serial killer but they only kept doubling .

The metro started moving and I let out a breath which I immediately regretted afterward. The man looked at me with eyes as stormy as a day filled with tornadoes. I swiftly turned my vision back to my hands but the feeling of him burning a hole in my head was still there .

The moment the metro stopped and the doors opened I started walking as quickly as possible to get of there but to my failure a sudden  grip on my hand made me freeze . I stayed planted in my place afraid of doing anything. Afraid of even facing the man . My heart started throbbing harshly against my rib cage , a creepy shiver made its way up my spinal cord and my mind went praying to keep me alive . The man didn't wait for me to respond instead I felt his lips crash against my skin before I let out a loud  scream. In a second his other hand was covering my mouth preventing me from shouting . I stepped on his foot making him yelp .

The man yanked my arms and threw me against the wall, I shrieked out in pain as my back made contact with the little sharp pieces that were arranged on the wall . To my surprise my screams earned a big smirk from that man as he continued to suck down my neck . I didn't know where the hell people disappear when you need them the most . I tried kicking him but it was futile since if it really affected him he was doing anything but showing it .


"What did I -do to -deserve all this ??" I stammered  as my whole body quivered in fear, pain and sorrow.
Brody's arms made their way around my shoulders as his gentle voice spoke to me " you didn't do anything wrong , Suzen " .
"Then why ? WHY? Why do I have  to go through all this ? Why am I being tortured like this ? " I sobbed against his chest as my tears kept running down my cheeks .
"It's not easy you know . Life I mean . You have to go through a lot of painful moments just to stay alive and move on . It's not us who choose what will happen , it's not us who choose what our fate will be but its us who choose the ending . We are the ones who choose to move on and be strong , to live happily or to drawn in our misery. " he paused " look I don't know what happened to you before but I'm sure everything will become better one day . Because one day you'll wake up next to the love of your life and realize how happy you are , you'll realize that you have nothing to worry about anymore and you'll realize that you have done your best to get here and that - that at that time will be enough for you " and with that he stopped and my tears dried .  I didn't know wether his last sentences were meant to be said for me or they were said to himself , needless I let his words sink inside before a rush of emotions invaded me and I bursted into tears again .

Brody's arms tightened around me as if to tell me that I'm safe and yes I felt safe but I couldn't stop myself from hurting . I couldn't stop the fresh pictures of what happened  20 minutes ago from replaying in my mind making my stomach twist in pain and disgust . I couldn't stop the tugging in my heart that was caused by the moments I had with dad and the memories where he still existed in .

"You're okay , you're okay ..." I heard Brody whisper over and over and over  next to my ear . I felt his hot breath tickle my skin as he spoke and I didn't realize how close we were until this moment but I didn't care, I really didn't . I needed his warmth and his closeness no matter what .

His warmth engulfed me making all the quivering disappear , my tears stopped falling and I was soon lulled to sleep by his soothing voice .

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