Chapter 26

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Earth. It was a breath taking planet originally, so beautiful and blue,  but not any longer. I haven't seen even a big part of it but I could tell from the little amount I saw that it wasn't okay. The place we landed in didn't have a single plant, a not a single  living thing other than humans . It was something so devastating to see. It was so unlike Xia (my planet), no matter how much you search there for a spot  without green living things you'll always find non. Anyway, I'll complete discussing that later when I come for a proper visit here. So back to our flight, it was wonderful, and unbelievably peaceful, notice the sarcasm.

During our flight on the spacecraft we had a very "fortunate" luck to get hit by a shooting star which ended damaging a part of the spacecraft. Gravity was deactivated so everything was flying all around. The pilot and his assistant got hit with the safety bags that flew around when no gravity was there and thanks to that one of the team had to drive that damn jet with no previous experience. We tried activating the auto pilot but it didn't work so I volunteered to drive the spacecraft. Everybody looked at me like I had just lost my mind but someone had to do something so I just brushed them off. At first, I rode that thing as if it was a turbolancer, jumping up and down and moving in circles briskly but that was before I got the hang of it and everything started getting calculated in my mind. In the end, I got that aircraft to land on Earth safely . And once our legs hit the ground our time was counted and our real mission started.

Brody, the team, who Mike had sent, and I split into two groups. Group one included Brody and four other men, while group two included me and  the rest of the guys who were named as Brandon, Caiden, Cameron, and Alexander. Our groups decided to break into the Foreigners  jail, which I  could tell that it took them a long time to choose its name. And that stupid jail was located in New York , a state in the USA. While we moved across the streets,  Josh stayed in the aircraft, hacking all the security systems from there.

As we reached the jail, we noticed how packed it was with armed men, the place was tightly secured but it was either now or never. Brody's team took the roof door while my team took the rear door.

We sneaked in from the gate, ran through the garment field to come in face to face  with armed guards who tried to shoot us as soon as possible. We all avoided their shots before Cameron shot all of them with his loaded gun. And no, they weren't dead, they were just asleep for the next day. We continued to find the door open, and as soon as we entered, the door closed behind us with a big bang before five guards stood circling us with their guns pointed at our heads, we knew this would happen so we had a plan. We were told to put our guns down and that's when Brandon threw his gun in the air, attracting the guards attention  and in a split of a second we all bent down snatched our guns and shot them to sleep.

"Bye bye sleeping beauties." Brandon snickered as he walked past their bodies, high fiving the rest of the boys. With that we made our way toward the fifth floor, Josh told us there were about eight  guards in that floor but they were only in a certain wing, the left wing which had my father there. The fifth floor didn't contain any prisoners except my father so it was easy to make our way around. We were almost close to the wing when  an arm appeared from the wall, grabbed  my elbow and took me in.

I was dragged into another room, I freed my arm from that guy's hand, and kicked him in the stomach before reaching out for my gun and shooting him.

"Suzen! Suzen! What happened? Can you hear me? I can't see you!" Josh's voice spoke through my ear buds. "Yes, I ca-" and there I stopped when I heard a person clap their hands behind me.

I turned around slowly to meet the one and only bit*h Courtney. "What a lovely performance you made there?! I would love to watch it all over again!" She spoke devilishly, her squeaky stupid voice ringing through my ears. I swear that girl needed a vocal surgery.

I narrowed my eyes at her, my hands clenching into fists, "what do you want?" I asked in a threatening tone which didn't seem to affect her.

"I want more of your performance," she replied, a taunting smirk never leaving her face. I didn't understand what she meant at first but I did when seconds later ten men appeared from the walls to surround me like hyenas.

I was a little bit scared, I've never been surround by this amount of soldiers but when I saw her ugly smirk all that fear disappeared. I straightened my back, and put a similar smirk to hers, before running swiftly at one of them, sliding beneath him, and pushing him toward the rest. I then ran to that Courtney girl before being lifted up by a guy  I kicked him with the back of my toes and he dropped me down, before they all started fighting me all at once.

I kicked one , punched another, thrown some as I was fighting and when I was done with them I took out my gun and shot them except for that one guy who was behind me all of that time and who slapped the gun out of my hand and kneed me in the stomach before I could react.

His kick was really strong but I had to hold back the pain so I threw him a punch right at the point above his heart. He moved back in pain, and I took my chance to kick him on the side of his neck. It felt as if he was dying on the inside and I wanted to stop but at the same time I had to make sure he doesn't hurt me.

The guy stood up with my gun in his hands, sweat covering his forehead, and blood on his lips. I inched back slowly as he encountered me with the same speed, the gun directed at my head.

BOOM!!! The wall behind him crashed to reveal my hero Brody. He punched the guy and took the gun  from him and that's when I took my chance to get Courtney. I spun around to find her holding a gun," one more move and you're dead!!" She yelled pointing the gun at me.

"Why would you kill me in the first place? And what does -" and before I could complete my sentence I saw her blood flowing out of her body  She was shot! I turned around and I saw the guy who shot her, and it was Alexander. I was beyond shocked but I ignored my feelings and ran toward the girl.

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