Chapter 19

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I threw a punch toward his face which he fully blocked before giving him a quick high kick and slipping between his legs to fully grab him down by twisting his arm and making him kneel backward.

"Wow, Suzi that was..." He paused a bit to take his breath and a bit because he was amused and then continued "it was so amazing! You were so damn fast." 

I smiled quite happy, confident, and proud of what I just did before gently letting go of his arm so he could stand properly.

"Thank you," I said,  bowing like a princess.
"No really, you almost beat me." He said as a smirk danced on his lips.
"Almost, excuse me?! You couldn't even turn around or even touch me!" I protested teasingly.
He smiled at me brightly, his white teeth showing like pearls "you're right." 

We both then started walking, to tell the truth he was walking and I was just following him.
"You see, I've been wanting to tell you this before but..." He trailed off before taking a deep breath "I know what your power is," and with that my legs completely stopped, I was kind of frozen.
"My power??" I asked almost unbelievably.
"You are so quick, almost invisible when you move. You're a fast learner too and when I mean a fast learner I really mean it. You've learned almost- no everything about karate, judo, aikido in just one month and you are even so good- no you're perfect in each and every one of them. Plus you beat me which is an enough reason to make you so good." He explained and gave off a slight chuckle while he said the last part.
"It took me almost 5 to 6 years to become the strong, professional person I'm and it only took you a month, just one month," he added emphasizing the word "month"  before closing his speech with a cheesy smile and one sentence "God, you're amazing !!" 

I didn't know how to reply, words flew away and my brain went empty. I was amazing?! And I had real powers?! And he said I was amazing?! I tried to think of something but since my brain felt like it wasn't functioning I just smiled at him, a smile which he totally returned. And when he did I felt my cheeks burn with the red color and my blood boil in my veins. I just felt so content, shy and happy.


He was wearing black, all black from head to toe. His eyes were dark and his voice so thick, he looked scary as hell . He kept circling me until everything went blurry, everything except him. And then all at once I saw my father, he was tied up, a tape covering his mouth and a rope bounding him to the chair. I ran to my dad, to rescue him, to hug him to- but he was gone. He vanished and all what was left of him was his scent.

The room went pitch black, I squinted my eyes to catch any light but I saw absolutely nothing, but that was until spotlights started flashing from every direction making my eyes burn.

The lights dimmed and stayed still and the black guy was right in front of me throwing a straight punch into my stomach. I flinched and lost a bit of my balance but as soon as that I was powered up again. The pain brought me back to my senses. I had to fight him, the guy who kidnapped my dad, the man who stole my dreams , who stole my happiness, who made me a lonely orphan, it was him, the man who also hit me.

In a swift I ran toward him, placed my hands on his shoulders, jumped and flipped him backward making his body crash violently with the floor. I felt sorry for him but no, again I shouldn't. The guy slowly stood up, regained balance and ran toward me trying to punch me again but I stopped his punch with one hand, held his hand with the other  and kneed him a couple of times in the stomach, which then made blood flow out of his mouth and down to his clothes. I let go of him and he fell to the ground before he pulled my leg making me fall on my back. He tried to hover me but I slipped away in no time and stood away from him.

Should I kill him? Does he deserve death? Is taking away his life worth it? A small part of me gave a total yes but the rest of me gave a big no, and so I decided to just make him black out. And that was exactly what happened when he tried to make a futile attempt to knock me over. In which I had kicked him so high my leg made contact with his face and threw him meters away unconscious.

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