Chapter 6

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"So this is what rich people in the south live like? Remind me why we still live in New York?" Ethan says as the gates open to my grandparents new home. We drive along the dirt road that leads up to the house, lined on each side with huge oak trees that reach up and meet in the middle. Matty rolls down the window and hangs his head out like a puppy, his hair wiping around his face.
"Because New York City is the best." I say back to Ethan. Which I totally believe, but from what I've seen so far Georgia has is own kind of beauty very different from my home. It's green and lush with clear blue sunny skies. I bet at night you could even see the stars.

Then the road turns from soft packed dirt to gravel as we finally reach the house. Huge and white and Southern. With everything from a wrap around porch to the swing in one corner and the outdoor ceiling fans.

My mom puts the car in park and gets out to examine the house more carefully. My brothers followers her as Ethan hops across the front seat to sit on the drivers side.

"What's up with you?" He asks, his back to the door.

"Nothing. Why?"

"You've got that look."

"I don't know what you mean." I tell him, which we both know is a lie. He laughs, low and breathy.
With a smile he says, "you're full of shit. You know that right?"

I roll my eyes but can't help laughing.
"Yeah I'm really just backed up. Although I wouldn't be surprised if just started flooding out."

"You're disgusting." He bends over laughing and I join him cause it's impossible not to laugh along with Ethan. He looks like he's about to say something else when his eyes flicker towards the house.

"Who is that?" His voice gets all low and curious. I follow his eye-line to the girl standing on the porch, holding the door open for my grandma. She's tall and thin with sunny hair and tan skin. It takes even me a second to tell it's Ellie.
My cousin on my dads side.

She looks different. Her brunette hair is now blonde and she looks a foot taller and she's just overall a lot prettier than I remember.

"Oh, that's just Ellie." I try to make my voice as casual as possible. I know how Ethan gets around girls that look like her. As weird as it sounds he just likes girls that fit in the same boat as his mom. I guess most of the men in my life do. It's exasperating to think about honestly, but if Ellie tastes in boys hasn't changed with her face then she won't be too much interested in Ethan.

"She looks different." Is all he says. I can tell he's trying to hide the change of tone in his voice but I can hear it. Clear as day.

Inside the house is just as I'd expect it. There's a sitting room to the left that my grandad and uncle are talking in. My grandad stands when we walk in and comes over to us.

Taking my bags from me he asks, "How was the drive down here?"

"Long. Really long."

"I don't know why didn't just fly." He says, asking my same exact question.

"I don't know why either."

My aunt

Hey guys. This chapter is a little short and way late but I've been finishing up school and finals week and I've kinda just been all over the place. But I have more time now so for those that decide to give it a read more stuff will be happening throughout the story. The first few chapter have just been to set up the plot and shit like that but things will start to heat up and move along. Trust me. And thank you so much to whoever open up the story.

Much love XOXO 😘

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