Chapter 16

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It's dark inside the house. All of the downstairs light are off and it's still and quiet, the opposite of me because I'm jumping off the walls. I'm giddy and excited and even a little nervous, which is crazy cause Nick isn't even around anymore.

I stumble into the house, kicking my shoes off along the way. I try to move quietly but I bump into the hallway table along the way and almost knock my grandmothers vases over.

When I get to my room, sitting on my bed in the dim lighting is Ethan. I stop dead in my tracks, completely confused. He looks up from his laptop as I shut the door behind me.

"What are doing in here?" I question. He doesn't say anything back. Not when I ask again the second or third time. I make my way across the room until I'm standing in front of him, cause now I'm irritated and ready to lash out, but just as I'm about to I notice his face in a way I hadn't when I was standing in the opposite side of the room.

His eyebrows are set in deep set scowl, his bottom lip is bitten almost raw on one side, and his eyes, his eyes that are usually happy and light and beautiful, they're hard and distant. I know as soon as I get a good look at him what's wrong but it doesn't stop me from asking.

"Ethan, what's the matter?" I climb up next to him. Again he doesn't say anything. His head hangs and without really even thinking about it I push the hairs from his face. I realize how much I've missed the feel of his hair between my fingers the past couple of weeks.

"Was is your parents?" I question. Finally he looks at me and says, "Yeah, They're getting a divorce." His voice is low and a little shaky, I have no idea what to say to him. Aside from the fact that we haven't spoken in the last couple weeks, what could I possibly say to him now? How do I comfort him?

"I'm so sorry." I say lamely, but what else do I say? I press my palm to his cheek, he flinches so quick I almost don't notice, then he presses down and place a warm kiss on my wrist and it doesn't matter.
"Don't be. I saw it coming," he shrugs, "we all did."
"That doesn't mean you don't get to be sad about it. They're still You're parents."
"I know." He then looks at me like I'm strange and new. Like he doesn't know who I am.
"Come here." He commands suddenly. My blood runs cold and it's my turn to give him the peculiar looks.
"Just come here. Lean forward." Slowly, I do as I'm asked. I know this isn't his way of trying anything or coming on to me but it still makes my stomach flip.

"Why do you smell like a man?" He inquires. I must look offended because he quickly amends his question.
"I just mean you smell like cologne. Not the good kind." I lean back and smell the collar of my shirt. I guess it does kind of smell like Nick's cologne, but just barely.

"How did you even-" I start then think better of it. "Never mind, I'm gonna go shower. I'll be back.

When I get back from my shower Ethan is still sitting on what was his side of the bed. I go over to my desk to grab my laptop. I set it up between us on the bed.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask.

"No, I'm okay." He lays back and fluffs the pillow under his head. I don't say anything, I just offer a quick nod and switch on the bedside lamp.

"What are you doing?" He asks after a while. I look over at him a bit confused.

"I'm putting on lotion. What does it look like?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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