Chapter 9

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*In my mind this is what Dylan looks like. I can also imagine what Matt looks like but I haven't found a photo of anyone that makes me think of Matt*

  I'm sitting back in my room now, at the desk. The afternoon sunlight is pouring in throw the open window. Dylan is sprawled out like a cat in the window seat. He says he likes the feeling of the warm cushions. After the big breakfast this morning the family spread out around  the house. My grandad in his office. My grandma, aunt Kris, and Ellie are helping fix up the pool house. Kelsey, Kyle, and his parents are all down in the din talking baby names. Ethan went into town with Matt and my mom, but I'm not sure why. Dylan has been following me around for most of the afternoon talking about birthday plans. Usually when our birthday comes around we have a family dinner where we exchange gifts and eat cake then Dylan goes out with his friends and I go out with mine. Because I'm nice sometimes Matt tags along. Then we meet back up around midnight and go on bar crawls. Scouting out all the places on the lower west side that doesn't card. Usually there aren't many places like that but sometimes we get lucky. We don't drink much on those nights. I think we just do it for the thrill of it all.

This year however is obviously different.

Our birthday isn't until the end of the month, June 28th to be exact, so we still have a few weeks until then but he won't let it go.
"I was thinking we should have a party. And not the like the rooftop parties we have back in New York where everyone is drunk and covered in sweat. We're turning eighteen, it should be more classy don't you think?" I swivel around in my chair to face him, a smile on my face.
"Classy?" I ask him. He sits up and leans on his elbows.
"Yes. Classy! We should all dress up really nice. And like have the whole family and that guy nick from down the road. We can set up the back yard like in those magazines you like. With are they called...fairy lights and the mason jars filled with that decretive shit girls like. And like I said we could rent a dance floor and get a Dj and caterers. It could nice Lennie."
I will admit that his plan does sound nice. Really nice actually, but there is no way our grandma would let use her backyard for that. Plus, these kinds of things take time to plan, not to mention  it all sounds very expensive.

"It sounds nice, Dylan. I'll give you that much but there is no way our grandma is gonna give the green light on anything."
He thinks about for a few moments and then says, "I'll talk to her."
"If she says yes will you help me plan it." His eagerness is pretty comical.
"I don't think I'd have a choice." I tell him, "you know, cause it would be my party too."
"Oh right," his voice is dripping with sarcasm, "almost forgot about the whole twin thing."

I roll my eyes and he laughs.
"So what are we doing tonight? I feel like I've only seen the inside of this house all summer."

A few hours later when my mom comes home she informs Dylan and I that my grandparents are taking the family out later tonight for a special dinner, celebrating Kelsey and Kyle's big news. Apparently the restaurant is really fancy and has a dress code so all of the girls in the house spend most of the afternoon looking for dresses for tonight, while the guys look for suits or whatever. I tried to talk my mom into letting me wear one of dresses I brought from home but she wasn't having it.

So now, I'm standing in the middle of Ellie's favorite dress shops in town. It's a nice place. The exterior is all brick with a cute little sign displaying the shop name, which is in French. On the inside the walls are painted a lemon yellow with a white trim on the boarders. The dresses inside don't seem to be arranged in any particular order, which doesn't help the process of picking anything out. Honestly, my mom could have just come on her own. I would have worn whatever she bought me.

I'm not that lucky though.

Ellie finds her "perfect dress" on her third attempt. My mom on her second, but I'm up dress seven and still nothing. I really don't understand what the problem is. Most of the dresses look fine on the hanger but once I try them on they just look wrong.

I don't know if it's because I'm too tall or because my hips are a little wide or that my bust is too full. But then I realize I have the same body type as my mom and she looks great in everything.

My mom gets the shop owner, who then gets her daughter. The daughter is a tall slim lady with brown hair that's part deep to one side and slicked back in a low bun. She seems to study me for a moment then she asks my mom what the dress is for before turning back to me.
"What size? 5?" She asks.
"Yes." I say a little stunned.
She disappears to the other side of the store. The lady comes back with the delicate layers of the dress resting in both hand.
"This is the dress for you!" Her accent thick.

The dress is beautiful but I don't know if it's me.
"I don't know, it seems a bit short and it doesn't look like it'll fit."

"Lennon, just try on the dress!" Ellie is practically begging. Mostly because we've been in this shop for almost two hours and everyone has a dress but me. My mom just got a phone call saying that the boys are home from finding clothes and are now getting dressed but so what, it's always easier for guys.

"Fine. I'll try in on." They all sigh in relief. I take the dress by the hanger into the dressing room. The dress is an emerald green satin wrap dress. It really nice but a bit revealing. Once I have it on I stand in front of the mirror for awhile, because I look great in it.

I don't know what it is about emerald green and golden toned skin but they pair nicely.

"Do you have the dress on yet!"
"Come out! Let us see!"
"You're taking forever Lennon come on!"
I push the door open and step out. Smoothing the material with my hands, I wait for them to say something.

The group of women quiet when I step out of the fitting room. They stare at me with blank expressions, except for the shop owners daughter whose name I believe is Lina.

"You look perfect," she smiles.
"Thank you." Turning to my mom. "What do you think?" My mom smiles and tucks a curl behind her ear.
"I think we can go home now."


Kind of weird ending, I know. But I kinda like this chapter something about just seems really cute to me?? I don't know but I like the little brother sister moment. I think I'll add in more.
Also the next few chapters will be introducing new characters. And a few from before. I hope you enjoyed reading.


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