Chapter 15

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"Dance lessons? Are you being serious right now?" Dylan asks from beside me. Our cousin Kelsey stands in front of us, her hands placed on her growing lump. The dance lessons are for her wedding at the end of the summer. My brothers have been really good at helping her plan so far but dancing, I guess, is where they draw the line. At least where Dylan draws the line.

I don't say anything as I watch the two go back and forth.

Finally Kelsey says, "if your gonna be a groomsman you'll have to dance. If you even want to be invited you have to dance."

"That's totally unfair and you know it!" He exclaims. A wild manic smile spreads across her face.
"Tough." She says and prances out of the kitchen. In the doorway she stops and turns around, this time she looks at me. "And by the way, you'll both be needing partners." Then she leaves. Dylan glances sideways at me and hops out of his seat.

"Not me!" He blurts. As if I'm pathetic enough to ask my own brothers to be my partner. "Sorry but no."

"And what exactly gave you the idea that I would be asking you and your two left feet?" I ask indignantly. He looks genuinely offended and I almost laughed.

"Well who else would be your partner. Not Matty. And besides you and Ethan basically hate each cause of that fight you had the other day." Dylan finishes and crosses his arms over his chest. He's so smug and he thinks he's right about everything. Well, I won't let him be right about this. I open my mouth to tell him off but I've got nothing. I flip him off and head up stairs.

As much as I hate Dylan being right, he is. I guess my only option is to talk to Ethan. Since I've known him, I don't think I've gone so long without speaking to him. Honestly it's really weird and the thing is, I don't really even think I'm mad at him anymore. As much as I hate to admit it, my feelings are just hurt. Hurt because of what he said but mostly because he hasn't apologized yet. Maybe I should do it first?

I climb the stairs slowly, trying to figure out what I might say to him. I make up my mind that I won't apologize. Not initially. Not first. Eventually, but not first. I'll just knock on the door and straight up ask if he wants to be my partner. He'll say yes.

I think.

I knock on the boys bedroom door. Quietly at first, then after a minute more loudly. The door swings open. Ethan stands there in all black. A smile on his face until he sees me. I don't know why but I'm nervous and I'm never nervous around Ethan. He's my Ethan.

"Uh...hi." I nervously mutter. "How are you?"
"I've been better." He shrugs uncomfortably. I wonder if it's me that's making him uncomfortable or just the situation. I hope it isn't me.
"Um. This may sound weird but Kelsey just told us we need dance partners for her wedding or whatever, and I guess I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to be mine. My partner, I mean."
He smiles at me and suddenly I'm not nervous at all. It's just Ethan.
"I'd love too, but Ellie already asked me."
'Of course she did', I think to myself. To Ethan i just smile and nod as best I can.
"Oh." I say. "That's cool. It's fine. I'll, uh, see you around." I turn to walk away but he grabs my arm.
"I can back out." He says. "If you want me to or need me to, I can say no." I almost agree until I realize that would just make me look bad and I'm not that pathetic.
"No. It's cool. I'll just ask someone else." I tell him and he nods, finally lets go of my arm.
I walk down the hall to my bedroom. I shut the door behind me, climb into my bed, and try to sleep. Of course that doesn't happen and I spend the next hour and a half staring at the ceiling.

When I finally gather the energy to get out of my bed and go back downstairs it's time for lunch. My mon and grandma are out so aunt Kris is cooking. It's a nice day out so she instruct me and Ellie to set the table in the backyard near the rose bushes.

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