Chapter 7

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"Have you guys seen Lennon?" Evelyn asks as she sets the patio table for lunch. I haven't seen Lennon since she left this morning with that Nick guy. She's only known him for like two days, since her grandmother, lily, decided to have that party. Now they're acting like best fucking friends.

"I think she's still out with nick, mom. She said she'll be back a little later." Dylan tells his mom. She nods and places glasses of lemonade in front us. She goes in and comes back out with a tray of sandwiches. The grandparents, Lily and Adam, come through the back door carrying more food and soon the table is full. Ellie is seated next to me, like she has been every time we sit down for any reason. Matt and Dylan eye me the way Lennon would if she were here. That's all she seems to do nowadays. I don't think we've had a proper conversation since the first few days we got here. I know she thinks I've blown her off for her cousin, which is technically true but it's not like I meant to. It just happened. Honestly I think I would have been fine with Lennon if I hadn't blown off movie night. I swear it's like with anything else I can do no wrong, but miss a Friday night movie session and it takes like three days for her to stop pretending like she's not mad at me and then just be mad at me so I can make it up to her.

"Ethan." Ellie calls, pulling me from my thoughts. "Are you okay?" She rest her chin on my shoulder. I can smell her perfume, it's nice, roses I think. Lennon hates roses scented anything.

"Yeah, I'm fine."
"You don't seem fine." She says and brushes her light hair behind her ear. I look at her then. It's weird how much she and Lennon look alike and completely different at the same time. Lennon has really dark hair, shiny and black, while Ellie has really light brown hair almost blonde. Lennon and Ellie both have those almond shaped eyes but Lennie's are are dark brown, the same color as mine. But Ellie's are a vibrant green. Lennon, because shes mixed, has a rich brown hue to her skin. And Ellie only has color after she's tanned.

But I think their differences is what makes me so attracted to Ellie, her and her lightness, I'll admit, isn't something I normally go for. But there's something about her.

"You two have gotten really close." Ellie's mom, Kris beams.
"They have." Evelyn states and if looks could kill. I shrug Ellie away and reach for the salad bowl, the whole time Evelyn eyes rest on me. Matt and Dylan notice my discomfort and can't help but to laugh. Not that I blame them I've laughed at them plenty of times when they were the one under their moms harsh glare.

Halfway through lunch the backdoor opens again Lennon comes running out her long curls bouncing behind her. She has on a cropped NYU hoodie and pair of high waisted cutoffs. Her high top laces are looped around her ankles the way she likes them to be. One is undone and she trips on it. She almost falls over and I'm out of my seat before I know it but Nick is already there. Catching Lennon before the ground can. Lennon smiles up at him, pushing her hair back, "Thanks, kid." She says and there's this feeling in my chest I don't recognize. And since when did she call other people kid? Wasn't that like, our thing?

"No problem." He says.


I'm up in my room, the room I've been sharing with Matt and Dylan because I'm too afraid Lennon will yell at me if I ask to stay in her room. We've barley spoken in the last few days. There's no way she'd let me share with her.

But this room is too small for three over six feet guys to share and it starting to smell like the boys locker room after a long basketball game.

I'm supposed to be downstairs with the rest of the Eli's but my mom called for like the seventh time today. I haven't spoken to her in a while either. Not since that day after we arrived in Savannah. I'm still mad at her. I'm trying my best to hold on to the anger, cause if I don't I'll just be sad. Sad that my mom is a part of the reason two families have been broken. Sad because I can't help but notice how Ms. Evelyn doesn't smile the same. Sad because when I talk to my dad, there's no more laughter in his voice. His Gujarati accent, isn't the accent I loved to hear, it just sounds dull. Ardir Patel just doesn't sound the same.

My phone keeps buzzing. I'm not even sure it's still my mother but I'm not checking just incase it is. The damn thing is driving me crazy. I'm pacing the room, hand in my hair, close to screaming when there's a tap on the door.

"Come in." I call. Lennon peaks her head through the door. She's smiling but I can't smile back.

"You okay, Kid?" She walks in carrying a bowl in her hand. "I brought you grapes." She persists. I try to reach for the bowl but she moves them. Shaking her head she says, "Tell me what's wrong with you first."

"I don't really feel like talking right now." I try.
"You know, mama and aunt kris just got back from the farmers market with these bad boys." She tries to taunt me. I sit down and reach for her arm and pull her so she's standing between my legs. She places the bowl of grapes on the bed and wraps her arms around me. My head rest against my stomach as her hand go through my hair. I feel like no matter what, I'll always in up in Lennon's arms.

"I won't force you to talk, but I'll listen when you're ready." I know then why she's so important to me. She listens to me even when I don't say a word. And Lennon kinda knows what best for me, even when I don't.

She sits on the bed and holds on to me for few more minutes. I know there's something on her mind as well, but I don't ask what it is. I'm enjoying the silence.

"Hey, I know what'll cheer you up." She says pushing hair away from my face. "There's this record store about a mile into town. I haven't checked it out yet cause I wanted to go with you. We could get dinner afterwards, or see an old film at that old movie theater." She likes that plan I can tell and I do too. I really do, which is why it sucks that I can't go.
"Uh.. I'm sorry Lennie, but I promised Ellie I'd help her pick out paint swatches for her room." I can literally see the disbelief on Lennon's face as I tell her this.

"Wow. Uh...okay then." She backs away, about to leave, but I stop her. "We can do it tomorrow."
She stares at me for a few seconds. Her eyebrows pinched together. She searches my face like she's looking for something she can't find.

Then she nods and in a small voice says, "Tomorrow."
Her eyes flash over to the phone on the bed and she reaches for it. She sees the contact name "Don't answer" and presses hard on the power button, turning it off.

"There." She says, pushing the phone to my chest.
"Later." And then she's gone.


Hey, once again I just wanted to say thanks for the reads, I really do appreciate it, a lot. In the next few chapters I'll be bringing in new characters that I feel will really help move the story along. And a certain someone will be making a reappearance, so that should be interesting.

Have a great day XOXO😘

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