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Everyone know that advent is the build up to Christmas Day, normally you have a little calendar where you open up a little door and get a little chocolate every day. Well it is pretty much the same sort of thing at the school for good and evil only much much better ( it even starts a little bit earlier ). I will explain for both Evers and nevers, but will firstly start with the Evers.

It all starts on the 28th of November when the Evers go into the blue forest in the "surviving fairy tales" lesson and you choose your favourite flower or bramble and with the scissors you cut a small sample of the plant and take it back to your forest group leader. ( meanwhile the nevers are waiting for a turn in the clearing) You then wait until the next day when you have the same lesson again, you then queue up and wait for your turn when a nymph ( that could be any single colour of the rainbow) comes along and just had to ask you a few simple questions which go along the the lines of:

-would you rather have:

-what is your favourite colour

-what colour is your finger glow

Those are similar the questions that they will ask you and then with one wave of their hand over the air, a small wooden box will appear the generally have lanterns painted on them and they have a small silver button on the top that you can use to open it.You are clearly instructed not to open the box until December the 1st. For some students the suspense gets to much and they try to open it, however due to magic it won't even work. Most students however, just sit and stare at the box wondering what it is inside of it, the suspense always seems to be killing them but when the 1st of December the wait is over and the students press the button and out of it grows the plant that you chose in your forest groups . It grows at about 100 times the speed of a normal plant, it will also be the colour that you chose it to be. the when the plants petals open up lying in the middle of it is a gift that you had chosen (stationary, jewellery, chocolate etc). After you take the gift the plant closes back up and goes back into the box. The next day the flower is renewed and you get a different gift each day. On Christmas Day, you get an extra special big present and then after that the magic dies out and all that's left is the box and a flower growing out of it. The ever girls see it as a pretty ornament to show off in their room, whereas others see it as an annoyance and through it away. I personally kept mine and it can be spotted in the main halls windowsill of Camelot, next to the one that belonged to tedros.

Don't worry nevers that is all about it for the Evers advent and now it is your turn; of course nevers don't like flowers and pretty little thing so obviously the nevers need to have their own turn. Quite a few nevers find that the whole point of Christmas is well, pointless ( not looking at anadil ). But others are jealous of what the Evers get so demand an advent calendar, here is what they get. Unlike Evers the nevers love playing tricks casting spells and causing mayhem, so obviously don't want to get the same stuff as the good students get. So like I said for the Evers I will now say for the never but in horts words, so apologies for slang.........right so it all start when u  go to va gates at va front of  va  school, it is a great opportunity to see what the endless woods looks like when even dough we don't accturely go out va gates. You point at va ugliest fing vat you spot. Most people choose dead frogs or dead ovver stuff. Then you take it back to the dorm room and don't know anyfing about it for a while, ven on December va 1st yo get a letter and it tells you to punch it on va face. It dos nothing at va start but ven if it is an animal it opens its moist mouf and out comes a pile off goo or guts or a spell in a scroll. But if it is a plant it dos not really do anything it just spokes you and the traps your arms and them pops out the gooey stuff va best fing that I ever got was a dead mouse it had long pointy teeth and I could use it to scratch my back and scratch other people's faces which made some of the Evers cry .... muah ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!

So as you can see, host has pretty much told you how it worked. I even confirmed it with Hester, who thought that horts explanation was perfect and that she couldn't have said it better herself.

After all the advent calendars have been opened for the first time, the count begins and every student ( even the ones who deny it ANADIL ) is buzzing waiting for the best day of the year, Christmas

Christmas at the school for good and evilWhere stories live. Discover now