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Over the Christmas period their are many events that go on and all of them are exciting, even for the nevers. The events start happening on the first of December and finish on the 24th of December, basically all of Christmas!!

When I say activities or events I am not just talking about the snow ball, or the trial by tale, No I am talking about special activities that even if you wanted to couldn't do at any other point in the year.

Before I get started I would also just like to say a bit about what each student must do so that all of the Evers and nevers reading this can decide. Which activities they would most like to do: each evil student at the school for good and evil is required to do at least two clubs during the Christmas season. while the Evers have to do at least five. All activities are after school lessons have finished so their shouldn't be any disruption in class, ( even though over the Christmas season rather than doing your normal lessons you will be decorating the school and making Christmas style paper chains )but that is pretty much all the rules for events and their are a few rules for some of the activities.

Here, I am going to list the activities that you can do, and explain them as I without further ado, I am going to start...

1-halfway bridge Broken--- as most of you may know in between the good and evil castles the bridge is broken and no one is able to cross.if you really want to cross it you have to defeat your own reflection, although I did it in my time at the school for good and evil, the teachers strongly recommend that you stay in your set school. However during the Christmas season the broken bridge is open for Evers and nevers to and students can freely cross into each other's schools . You might be asking yourself about the nevers and their tricks, well the students can only cross if the bridge can tell that you true intention is good. Although for evil students it can be difficult, the strongest nevers can manage to do it. This happens to the halfway bridge all the way through December until Boxing Day and then by it is all over and all students should return to their rightful schools.

2-the Christmas play---at the beginning of November Pollux and castor hold open auditions for the Christmas play( this year it is " the night before Christmas" almost all the Evers get involved and if they're not performing they of course are doing lighting or stage production. Most of the cast are Evers and their are never many nevers, mainly because nevers wouldn't be caught dead in the costumes. Rehearsals are for and hour and if you joking you get two Christmas points.

3-Karaoke nights--- during the Christmas season students can do karaoke nights which are held twice a week on Tuesday and Wednesday. It is good fun and you can getting find out about other students secret talent

4-Sword fighting tournament--- ever and never students all get a chance to compete in the sft ( sword fighting tournament ) the winner gets an additional 2 first place ranks. It also gives other students a time to sit and watch the other students duelling, which can be quite funny. This activity is held all the way through December and finishes on 23rd, giving enough time for all students to have a go.

6-ice skating on the Evers lake---during winter the Evers lake freezes over and is used as an ice-skating rink for all student nevers included as long as their is no mischief.this is held from all the time that the lake is frozen over. Ice-skates are free to hire from the good faculty, however if they are damaged or broken the student must be punished and replace the ones they have broken as soon as possible.

7-Cookie baking---although in your Christmas lessons you do cookie baking after lessons finish their is a cookie baking club where you learn to make more advanced cookies, for Evers this will Normally involve more chocolate or cinnamon whereas for the nevers they learn how to put temporary spells on the people who eat them.

8-Snowman building competition---in the clearing where students sat their lunch at certain points in the Christmas season the nymphs hold a snowman building competition. The nymphs give a number of challenges e.g. Who can build one the fastest or who can build the biggest. Also the hats and scarfs and things are hidden in the blue forest and you have to go and find them all.

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