Fighting Back

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Astrid sprinted through the hallway of the hospital, her eyes fixed on the signs for the Emergency Department. Hiccup had passed out and Eret and Cami had driven the boy straight here, leaving Astrid, Fishlegs, Heather and the twins to travel with Snotlout: even in his SUV, it had been a game of sardines. She had phoned her parents and her Mom had promised to meet them at the hospital but her Dad was in work. But the recording she had heard rolled around in her memory and she accelerated until she reached the door of the department and halted, panting, at the department.

"Hiccup...Haddock..." she gasped. The nurse on the desk indicated to a cubicle and the girl nodded thanks and sped over, pausing and timidly peeking round the curtain. The familiar shape was lying on the trolley, an ID band on his wrist and a standard hospital gown on. He turned his face to her of a second-and then he turned away, trying to shift onto his side, away from her. Astrid froze for a long second...because he looked so beaten...and so ashamed...

...and then she swooped forward, grabbing his hand that was still smeared with his blood, pulling him back to face her, her azure eyes filled with pity and concern. "Hiccup...oh, thank the Gods..." she whispered and flung her arms around him. He stiffened for a long moment...and then she felt his arms close around her and his face bury in her neck.

"Milady..." came the murmured greeting. "I was so worried..." She lifted her head to stare at the boy and saw his emerald eyes dark with pain.

"I heard..." she said softly and he closed his eyes, wincing.

There was a long silence. Then...

"Sorry," he breathed. "But I-I wanted t-to let you know where I was...not thinking too clearly..." He ghosted a smile. "Pain and concussion I think..." She stared at him.

"You went to see Mr Grimborn about my C," she told him. He nodded slightly.

"Um...yeah....didn't completely go to plan..."

"And you lost your escorts, you mutton-head..."

"Would a mutton-head record the conversation as proof?" Hiccup asked her thickly. She stared at him.

"For what?" she asked. There was pause and he grimaced.

"No what...who," he managed thickly. "Your Dad. He'll know what to do." He managed a small smile and beckoned her close. She smiled and pressed her lips onto his, feeling the splits from the blows he had taken. His hand stroked her cheek, holding her close until they had to break for air. Both started as the curtain was pulled back and the doctor entered. He was a youngish man with thick blonde hair and bright grey eyes which twinkled as they alighted on the two anxious looking teens, clearly just kissing.

"You'll live," he smiled. "And your leg is very badly bruised but there's been no more damage and no displacement of the fractures."

"Thank Thor," Hiccup murmured.

"But the police want to talk to you," the doctor told him gravely. "This was a serious assault, Hiccup." The boy nodded, his hand closing around Astrid's and latching onto her. She could feel the tremble in his grasp and knew he would have to relive the attack for the cops...but his next words made her immensely proud of him.

"I want to talk to them," he said slowly. "About the assault...who did it and who else is making threats against me and my girlfriend..." And then he paused. "And your records show that when I was first admitted, there were a lot of scars on my body from child abuse." He swallowed. "I want to talk to the police about them as well. It's time."

Time's up, Alvin...


The man sat forward, sliding the workbooks back across the desk to Martin Hofferson.

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