act two | part one

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act two | part one - through the colored lens

"This type of behavior is inexcusable children! I hope all of you are prepared for the consequences!" Miss Peregrine chided, "after I told you not to go out you, you did just that! And you, Emma, I expect more from you."

Once more, we were all sat in the parlor listening as Miss Peregrine chastised us, which Constantine standing awkwardly off to the side. Miss Peregrine had woken up a full hour before we got back. None of us really counted for getting lost on the way home, even with Olive's guided light.

We were gone for a full hour after Miss Peregrine woke up to discover that we were all gone and she was able to put the pieces together relatively quickly. She was always right, and I suppose we were slightly stupid for assuming we could find him by blundering outside the loop.

"Now," She took a deep breath, "do either of you care to explain this young gentleman here?"

She turned to Constantine who smiled lightly and stepped forward.

"I'm Constantine, I'm from Miss Avery's loop, like Louisa."

Her brows came together in surprise as she turned slowly to me. Enoch shifted uncomfortably, his face contorted in what could have either been anger or guilt, I'd never know from him. Miss Peregrine walked over to him and forced a smile.

"Well, we will discuss this more in the morning. Children, to bed. Constantine, forgive us, but we've not got anything made up..."

Miss Peregrine's words fell behind us as we all stood up and retreated sullenly to our rooms. Enoch trailed beside me, his shoulder brushing mine occasionally. He refused to look at me, even as I stared at him.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him.

The others dispersed around us, and we stood in the center of the hallway.

"No," He said, crossing his arms over his chest, "only that the boy who used to be head over heels in love with you, is back and fitting himself into our lives."
"Are you jealous?" I asked, reaching for his hand.

Enoch's cheeks flushed as he looked away and let out a bitter laugh.

"No," He stammered.

I smirked up at him, my lips pressing to his cheek as his hands fell. His hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer into his body. I loved hugging him - it gave me a sense of security.

"You've got nothing to worry about," I said softly.

Enoch hummed, but didn't move.


Miss Peregrine's voice surprised us, and I reluctantly moved away from him. She didn't look mad, only worried.

"To bed. We will all discuss this, calmly in the morning."


There was no discussing it calmly - one of our own was missing, and Constantine was back. He sat between Olive and the twins at the table that morning. Breakfast was served and we all ate in silence. I sat beside Enoch and Fiona, picking uninterested at my plate.

"I know, we're all deeply worried for Victor," Miss Peregrine began, "but I cannot have you, running around at night and going outside the loop."

Miss Peregrine's disappointment in all of us was punishment enough. Collective shame washed over all of us and we sat quietly. Regardless, for the next week, movie time was out of the question. None of us objected - we had done the wrong thing.

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