Chapter 2

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Graves set down his knife and fork, picked up his glass and stood up.

"I think it's time that we toasted the happy couple." He grinned. "Queenie and Jacob: in the five years that we've all been close friends," he paused, smiling at each person sat around the table in turn and placing a comforting hand on Credence's shoulder, "it's been a pleasure to see the two of you make each other happy every single day. And now that you're finally following your sister down the aisle to your happily ever after, all that I have left to say is that I hope that you continue to be happy every day for the rest of your lives together. To Queenie and Jacob!" He called, raising his glass to them before taking a drink.

There was a chorus of "Queenie and Jacob!" as Credence, Tina and Newt followed suit in the gesture.

Just then an owl flew in through the half open window and landed neatly on Graves' shoulder. Graves put his glass down and held out his hand, where the bird dropped a black, shiny envelope that it had been carrying in its beak.

"Isn't that one of MACUSA's owls?" Tina said, thoughtfully.

"Oh, yes!" Queenie agreed. "I named that one Sybil."

"Beautiful name, darling." Jacob cooed as Graves raised an eyebrow before opening the envelope and inspecting its contents.

His face grew pale and set into a stern frown. Everyone looked up at him, worried; the atmosphere of the room had suddenly turned cold.

Credence stood up and leant into his boyfriend, trying to read over his shoulder. However Graves snatched it away and out of his sight before he got a chance to read any.

"I'm needed at the office." He muttered, before glancing around at the pale faces in front of him. "You too, Queenie, Tina... Newt. We've all been requested."

"Whatever for?" Newt asked, astonished. He was only ever rarely called into the office, and never this late in the evening.

Graves' eyes flickered over to Credence before landing on Newt again. "I... Don't know." He lied. "We'll probably be told once we get there."

Tina and Newt quickly disapparated without further delay and Queenie followed shortly, after kissing Jacob goodbye.

Graves turned to Credence, placing a hand on his cheek and rubbing circles there with his thumb. "Stick with Jacob, Credence. Don't be alone."

"You're worrying me."

"... I'll protect you, I promise." He leant down and kissed him quickly, turned to Jacob and said, "Don't let him leave your sight." before disapparating away.

"What was that all about?" Jacob said, utterly confused.

"I don't know..." Credence said thoughtfully, still staring at the place that Graves had been stood. "But I have a bad feeling about this."

- - - - -

"So what's actually happening, Graves?" Tina asked, hurrying along a corridor towards the debating chamber at the MACUSA head quarters, struggling with Queenie and Newt to try and keep up with the worried man.

"The letter didn't mention much..." Graves began. "But it did say something that I hoped would never be true."

"And what was that, then?" Newt said, grabbing hold of Graves' shoulder, bringing them all to a stop and turning to face the man. "What's so bad that it's gotten the great Percival Graves scared out of his wits?"

"The even greater Gellert Grindelwald."

- - - - -

"As you are all aware," Madam Picquery announced to the huge number of high up wizards and members of MACUSA gathered in the bustling but deadly silent debating chamber. "Five years ago, almost to the day, Gellert Grindelwald was captured, arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban prison. However..." She paused, trying to get her thoughts together. "Less than an hour ago he managed to escape the compound and is currently on his way to America."

There was a collective gasp from the crowd before outcries of, "That's impossible!" and "How could this have happened?" sprung out.

"Everyone please remain silent!" Picquery called, waiting for everyone to calm down before turning to face Graves. "Mr Graves, do you remember what I told you all those years ago down in the train station, just after we managed to contain Grindelwald?"

"With my help!" Newt hissed defiantly, leaning towards Tina, who shushed him quickly with a glare.

"I do, Madam President." Graves responded, ignoring Newt.

"Can you please tell me, and all those assembled here tonight, what exactly it was that I said?"

Graves cleared his throat. "I suggest, Mr Graves, that you deal with this boy and make sure that a similar incident does not occur again under any circumstances." He recited.

"And what boy was I referring to there, Mr Graves?"

He swallowed the lump in his throat. "Credence Barebone, Madam President."

"And what has happened to Credence Barebone since that day, Mr Graves?"

"I have kept a check on him, making sure that he's safe and happy."

"Make sure he stays that way Mr Graves, we do not want a repeat of the last time Grindelwald and Barebone got together."

Graves froze for a second. "I'm sorry... What?" He asked, stunned.

"The reason that Grindelwald is coming to America is to try and get ahold of Barebone again. He plans on carrying out his initial task of using his powers as the Obscurial to obtain all three of the Deathly Hallows."

Graves throat went dry. Queenie grabbed his hand and squeezed it, trying to be comforting.

"Why don't we just get rid of him then? Barebone, that is. He killed all of those Muggles and didn't pay the price!" The British Minister called out.

"Like I said then," Graves said, a deadly calm to his voice. "He didn't know, he didn't understand, he thought that Grindelwald was me. He was used by a very powerful man. Stronger people have fallen subject to less than that before him-"

"- Oh don't worry, Minister." Picquery cut in. "Let everyone here be witness to my sentence. Percival Graves," she said, turning to face the man again, "if Gellert Grindelwald gets anywhere near Credence Barebone again, I promise that I will have Barebone killed before Grindelwald has any chance of using him for his own deeds. Barebone killed many No-Majes last time... I will not risk the same thing happening again. But if anything were to happen to any No-Maj... As you are the one tasked with dealing with the Obscurial, you will be sentenced to death as well."

A mutter of agreement spread around the room. Graves fought the urge to throw up.

"Do you understand, Mr Graves?" Picquery asked.

There was a long pause.

"Yes, Madam President."

- - - - -

When they got back home, Tina, Newt, Jacob and Queenie all headed straight towards a couple of guest bedrooms, as they had all decided after the President had given her verdict that they didn't want to leave Credence and Graves alone.

Graves marched straight up to Credence and kissed him, leaving the both of them breathless.

"What's the matter? What was it?" Credence started. "... Why are you crying?" Credence asked, holding the other man's face in his hands and using his thumbs to wipe away his tears.

"Oh my Credence... My Credence." Graves was choking out the words. "I won't let them hurt you."

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