Chapter 10

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"We have no need to tell you how successful our mission to find Mr Barebone and Mr Grindelwald have been, Graves." Picquery hissed. "You shouldn't even be here. You're practically a criminal."

"I surely have a right to know? Credence was under my protection. He was my duty of care." Graves begged. Though still trying to look as scary and professional as possible. His Aurors used to fear him- respect him, too, once- but now he could see them out of the corner of his eye turning to look over their shoulders to catch a glimpse of him, before turning back to either their work or the person they had just been talking to and laughing. Graves eyes flickered to the far end of the room for a second. Queenie was stood there, seemingly handing out coffee to everyone on a tray she clasped in her hands, knuckles turning white as she stared intently back at him and Picquery.

"A duty in which you have failed drastically. You seem to keep forgetting that."

"Exactly, it's my fault, I admit to that. So why does Credence have to be punished for something that I am to be blamed for?"

"Because those were the terms that I laid out before you, and they were the terms that you agreed to. If it were up to me, Mr Barebone would have been executed for his crimes five years ago. However, because of your persuasion and assurance that you would control him, I allowed him to live. But it's gone too far, Graves, and I have given you too many chances. The boy will be killed when we find him. And don't forget: if any No-Maj is killed between now and then, you will also be killed."

"That's incredibly harsh, don't you think?"

"Don't forget that you, too, were once this harsh. Before you got caught up with that man. I am the President of the Magical Congress of the United States of America, Mr Graves. It is my duty to do everything in my power to protect Witches and Wizards from the likes of Gellert Grindelwald and Credence Barebone."

"They are both Wizards too."

"Both threaten our safety."

"Grindelwald threatens our safety. Credence is a victim."

"You've been saying that every chance you've been given for the past five years. The time for talking is over now, Mr Graves. I am afraid that I hold a very Utilitarian belief when it comes to my job. I will not risk the lives of the millions of non-magical and magical people alike for one man who has already proven that he is capable of murder. That is my final word on this matter."

Graves took one final glance at Queenie before turning to leave.

- - - - -

Credence took a deep breath in. He knew what he had to do. He also knew that it wasn't going to be pleasant. But he was willing to do anything to get back to Graves.

He clenched his hands into fists and squeezed his eyes shut, picturing the man's face.

He would be willing to do anything to get back to Graves.

He repeated that thought again and again in his mind, before finally opening his eyes and turning to face Grindelwald as he apparated into the room.

"Credence." The man greeted casually, not looking at the other as he placed a package on the table in the centre of the room, next to the maps that were constantly spread out across it.

Instead of saying something in reply, Credence took a final deep breath in before strolling over to the man and grabbing him by his collar, leaning forward and kissing him.

Grindelwald was taken aback, but was grinning as he drew back momentarily to stare into Credence's eyes. "Finally come to your senses, ay?" His smile grew menacing and his eyes glinted as Credence swallowed back the lump in his throat and nodded.

"I knew you would in the end." He chucked darkly as he pushed Credence against the wall and began kissing him again. "You won't regret this."

Credence's heart ached as he stood there and- for the first time- didn't try to stop Grindelwald. He imagined Graves' face, looking at him with disappointment, hurt and anger.

He shook away the image, not bearing to picture it any longer.

- - - - -

Graves had been pacing the living room for hours, waiting for Queenie to arrive back home from work.

When he finally heard the door open and close behind her he stormed out of the room and began questioning her before she even managed to take her coat and scarf off.

"Did you manage to get any information out of her?" He demanded.

"It's good to see you too, Graves." She sighed and rolled her eyes as she saw the expression on the man's face darken.

"I'm not joking here, Queenie, this is important."

"I know, Graves, I know. I'm sorry." She breathed. "Yes, I managed to get some information out of Picquery."

"Go on then, tell me."

"Can I sit down first?"


She sighed again, clenching her teeth in frustration. "All I managed to read from her- apart from what she was telling you- was that they have found out that Grindelwald already has two of the Deathly Hallows. He's currently searching for the third."

"I know that he already had the elder wand, what other does he have?"

"The stone of resurrection. Although he'll be annoyed that he hasn't found all three by now. He's really intent on finding the cloak of invisibility."

"He can't do much with the stone of resurrection, so at least that's something." Graves sighed.

"Well, no, not by itself. But once he has all three, who knows what he'll be able to do? Especially since he has Credence as well."

Graves flinched.

"I'm sorry Percival, I should have been more careful."

Graves ignored her words and instead asked another question. "Do they know what Grindelwald plans on doing with Credence?"

"No, they're not completely sure but they assume that he just wants to use his powers as the Obscurial to rise to power."

Graves stomach churned as he turned away from Queenie and wrapped his hand around the ring at his throat, squeezing until he felt the metal dig into his skin.

- - - - - - - - - -

Hey. So, as promised: another chapter.

I'm really looking forward to Christmas. I've already got a replica of Graves' wand that my gran bought me.

I really love it.

Anyway, thoughts? I'd love to know what you think. Also, as I mentioned before: this story is coming to an end. But- now it's certainly possible that I would be able to do this- what would you guys think about a third and final book in this series? Would you like that? Or would you just be sick of me by that point?

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