Chapter 6

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Graves looked around the deserted street in horror. He had woken with a start; Credence had touched the necklace. He had panicked when he saw that he was no longer lying in bed next to him.

He looked around the street, looking for any sign of him. He caught a glimpse of something glinting further up the road and ran over to it to see what it was.

It was his wand. He bent down to pick it up, inspecting it as if it could tell him where his boyfriend had gone.

"He must've dropped it..." He said to himself. "Or... He was disarmed." Graves stood in silence for a while, deep in thought. "The only way he could've disappeared so quickly after using the necklace- the only reason he would've disappeared after using the necklace- is if he disapparated. But he doesn't know how to do that so he must've been taken."

There was a beat as realisation dawned on the man. He sucked in a breath.


- - - - -

Tina was woken by a loud sound; someone was banging on the door of her and Newt's room. She turned to her husband and shook him, waking him up.

Newt groaned. "What's the matter?" He yawned.

"Someone's at the door." The banging came again.

Newt sprung to his feet and took out his wand before opening the door. Graves ran into the room.

"Dear God, Percival, what's all this about?"

"I need all four of you to help me. Please, you have to help me, Newt!" He turned to the other. "Tina." He whimpered, his eyes glossy with tears.

"What's the matter? What's happened?"

"It's Credence." Graves gasped.

"What about him?" Tina demanded.

"Grindelwald's taken him."

- - - - -

Grindelwald apparated them to an abandoned house.

He backed Credence into a wall, kissing his neck. Credence pushed him away.

"Stop!" He cried. "I don't want this."

"Of course you do." Grindelwald chuckled darkly. "Like I said, you wanted it before."

Credence punched him in the face.

The man paused, putting a finger to his lips and inspecting it, looking at the scarlet drops that were left there. "Feisty, aren't you, little miracle? Oh yes, you're certainly a miracle." He said, looking at the confused expression on Credence's face. "After all, you've survived almost thirty years with that thing inside of you. That's three times longer than anyone else has managed... But we'll get to that later. For now, if you just go along with what I say, it will be easier for everyone involved."

"You're a creep."

"Oh, I'm many things, my dear boy." He leant forward again and kissed Credence, running his fingers through his hair.

- - - - -

Graves stood, pacing the living room and watched worriedly by Tina, Newt, Jacob and Queenie.

"We need to find him!" He cried out finally, sparks shooting from his wand that was clasped in his hand. His knuckles were white where they gripped the wood.

"I know, Graves, I know. But how?" Queenie said.

Graves froze. "Picquery can't find out. She can't. She'll kill him! She'll kill Credence!" Tears were flowing down his face and his breathing was jagged.

"Calm down, you're having a panic attack, Percival." Newt said, walking over to the man and grabbing him by the shoulders, forcing Graves to look at him.

"We can't let them hurt him." Graves sobbed.

"We'll do everything in our power to fix this."

"Um guys..." Queenie started, biting her lip. "I think we've got a little bit of a problem."

"Yes, we've noticed, Queenie." Graves snapped.

"No, I mean... Sybil's back."

"Sybil? Who's Sybil?" Graves' question was answered as the MACUSA owl flew in through the window again. "Oh." Graves whispered, taking the letter out of its beak and ripping it open. "We've been requested again." He sighed after reading it.

- - - - -

Grindelwald pulled back from Credence and grinned. "Why don't we take this to the bedroom?" He purred.

Credence spat in his face. "Never. When will you get it through your head that I'm not interested?"

"When will you get it through yours that you don't have a choice?" Grindelwald said as he wiped his face with the cuff of his shirt.

"I'll never help you. I'd rather die."

"That's what you think. But I'll teach you to love me... In time."

"I love Graves."

"You think you love Graves. I was the first one to kiss you remember? You only kissed him once I was gone."

"Graves actually cares about me."

"So do I."

"Only because I'm the Obscurial. That's not a real reason to be interested in someone."

"I'm interested all the same. At the end of the day, love is selfish. You think that Graves would love you if were anything other than what you are?"

"Graves loves me for who I am, not what I am."

Grindelwald rolled his eyes. "Oh, how poetic." He mocked.

- - - - -

"You've failed in your task, Percival Graves." Picquery was seething with anger.

"No No-Maj has died, you can't kill me." Graves stood defiantly, his head held high.

"Perhaps not yet, but you will slip up eventually, as you have just done. But I should warn you: all attention of the Aurors has moved to the location of Mr Barebone. Once he is found- which he will be- he will be executed."

Graves balled his hands into fists, trying to stay calm and not lash out at the President. "What if we cure him of the Obscurus?"

"That's impossible unless he dies."

"I'm sorry, Madam President," Tina interrupted, "but that's not true. You see, Mr Barebone would no longer be the Obscurial if he were to learn magic, and Mr Graves has been teaching him."

"How far have you gotten?" Picquery asked, turning back to Graves.

He hesitated. "Not very far, but he's only had one lesson. With the right amount of time-"

"But we don't have time, Mr Graves. Mr Barebone poses as a threat to us and No-Majes right now. And seeing as he is no longer within our reach to be taught, I will not risk the lives of many for the lives of one monster."

Graves flinched at the word she used to describe Credence. "But if we succeed in getting him back before Grindelwald has a chance to use his powers-"

"It is highly unlikely that we will be able to find him before that happens. He's weak and easy to use. And apparently easy to lose." She sneered. "These hours mark your last, Mr Graves. When he is found, both of you are likely to be executed under the circumstances laid out before which you agreed to. Start counting down the days until your death."

- - - - - - - - - -

Yeah I don't really know about this chapter...


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